IIDA, Hiroyuki Vice-President, Professor
Information Science, Human Information Science
Ph.D. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(1994) 東京農工大学
◆Professional Experience
2005 - : Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , Advanced School of Science and Technology , Professor
2000 - 2005 : Shizuoka University , Faculty of Informatics
1999 - 1999 : マーストリヒト大学コンピュータサイエンス学科 客員教授
1996 - 1999 : Shizuoka University , Faculty of Informatics
1994 - 1995 : 新技術事業団 博士研究員
1992 - 1993 : リンブルグ大学コンピュータサイエンス学科 客員研究員
1983 - 1994 : 社団法人日本将棋連盟 , プロ棋士七段
Mechanics and mechatronics, Robotics and intelligent systems, Applied mathematics and statistics, Basic mathematics, Intelligent informatics
◆Research Keywords
Game-refinement theory, Artificial Intelligence, Game tree search, Entertainment Science, ゲーム情報学, Geme Theory, Mathematical, Search Algorithm
◆Research Interests
The Dynamics of Intelligence in the Game Field
Just as men long for freedom, intelligence seeks for uncertainty. Games, which epitomize uncertainty, evolved in their long history to refine uncertainty. This process employed a harmony between skill and chance in games, leading to evolutionary changes in noble uncertainty. Masters who stand at the top of their games seek the ultimate harmony that may exist at the end of the changes. Despite their desire to win, masters occasionally exercise their creativity unconditionally without prejudice. We call this state of mind, that is commonly found among masters, the “model of three masters”. This model reveals three distinct master aspects: the master of winning, the master of playing and the master of understanding. They correspond to each of the three aspects that games possess: competitiveness, entertainment, and metaphor. The model of three masters indicates the existence of various interactions between intelligences of players. We explore it in terms of the “dynamics of intelligence in the field of games”
Games in AI Research - Chips Challenging Champions -
Research using games has demonstrated the possibility of creating high-performance artificial-intelligence systems. Programming computers to play games is but one stage in the development of an understanding of the methods which must be employed for the machine simulation of intellectual behaviour. This research project strives beauty of `Information and Systems' in building a world-championship-caliber shogi program. Moreover, the diversity of decision-making systems and the evolution of intelligence in games will be investigated.
Master Mind
This study examines the way of thinking of masters from the informatics’ point of view. Game informatics is a field where it searches game metric and finding out the meaning of games. Just as men long for freedom, the intellects seek uncertainty. Games, which epitomize uncertainty, have evolved in their long history to optimize uncertainty refinement. This process is a harmony between skill and chance, hence, evolutionary transformation in “noble uncertainty”. Masters who stand on top of their games seek the ultimate harmony which may exist at the end of noble uncertainty’s transitional path. Despite their desire to win, grandmasters seek to find their originality unconditionally without prejudice. I will call this state of mind which is commonly found among grandmasters the “model of three masters”. The true essence in game playing lies in predicting the opponent’s way of thinking. This skill involves “empathy” with opponent’s psyche and is referred as “opponent-model search”. Masters discover great proficiency in opponents and their nature of changes. I would like to propose this transformation of empathy as the “model of player’s cycle”.
Consensus Building and Group Performance in Games
We test N-member simple majority voting for the game ofChess. Several different chess programs were used to make the group. Games were played against the strongest member of the group. We show that the group is stronger than the strongest program. We then aim to answer the research question, under what conditions is N-member simple majority voting stronger than the strongest member?". We performed experiments on various groups. Statistics were gathered about the situations where the group outvoted the group leader. We propose two conditions to answer the research question, firstly group members should be almost equal in strength whilst still showing significant strength difference, and secondly denial percentage of leaders candidate depends on the strength of the members.
Entertainment Sustainability and Morality
In this project, we develop the information technology of evaluating entertainment quantitatively based on the concept of information sciences. Applying this technology, we analyze the negative sides of entertainment in the current e-society. From the analyses, we propose the model plan for the international moral standards for the creators and providers in e-society. We show the theoretical and quantitative method for dealing the social moral problems associated with entertainment environment in e-society. By setting the moral standards in e-society, we contribute the healthy and rightful development of e-society by increasing the morality of entertainment-related business firms.


◆Published Papers
Application of Game Refinement Theory to Automated Driving
Xiaohan Kang, Wenliang Qiu, Hiroyuki Iida, Bidisha Ghosh
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, -, 2023
Implications of Jerk’s On the Measure of Game’s Entertainment: Discovering Potentially Addictive Games
Naying Gao, Hengyuan Chang, Zeliang Zhang, Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid, Hiroyuki Iida
IEEE Access, -, 2022
A Computational Game Experience Analysis via Game Refinement Theory
Gao Naying, Gao Yuexian, Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid, Hiroyuki Iida
Telematics and Informatics Reports, 100039-100039, 2022
Action Games Evolution Analysis: A Case Study Using the God of War Series.
Zeliang Zhang, Naying Gao, Siqi Li, Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid, Hiroyuki Iida
IEEE Access, 10, 123697-123710, 2022
Entertainment Analysis of Animation Based on GR Theory
Wang Xinyue, Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid, Hiroyuki Iida
E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021), 209-212, 2021
Analysis of Professional Basketball League via Motion in Mind
Naying Gao, Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid, Hiroyuki Iida
E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021), 213-217, 2021
The Entertainment Appeal of Rhythm Games
Yuexian Gao, Chang Liu, Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid, Hiroyuki Iida
E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021), 218-221, 2021
Significance of Player Elimination in Battle Royale Games Popularity
Sagguneswaraan Thavamuni, Muhammad Nazhif Rizani, Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid, Hiroyuki Iida
E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021), 205-208, 2021
Prevention of Covid-19 Health Rumors Based on Elder Users Oriented Serious Games
Shuo Xiong, Zeliang Zhang, Qiwei Chen, Jidan Zhang, Hiroyuki Iida
2021 10th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), -, 2021
Computational Science and Technology
共編者(共編著 者), Springer Singapore, 2021
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)
共編者(共編著 者), EAI, 2019
Computational Science and Technology - ICCST 2017. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 488
共編者(共編著 者), 466, Springer, Singapore, 2018
Computers and Games (CG2013), LNCS 8427
共編者(共編著 者), 250, Springer, 2014
Communications in Computer and Information Science 408
共編者(共編著 者), 133, Springer, 2014
◆Conference Activities & Talks
Analysis of Boardgames using Eye-tracking: Case Study with Gomoku
TAAI2019, 2019
Analysis of Card Collection Game 'Hearthstone'
TAAI2019, 2019
Nature of Probability-based Proof Number Search
Sriwijaya International Conference of Information Technology and Its Applications (SICONIAN), Palembang, Indonesia., 2019
Analyzing the improvement process of table tennis using the game refinement theory
Sriwijaya International Conference of Information Technology and Its Applications (SICONIAN), Palembang, Indonesia., 2019
A key factor to maintain engagement: case study using login system
Sriwijaya International Conference of Information Technology and Its Applications (SICONIAN), 2019

■Teaching Experience

Game Informatics (E), Game Informatics, ゲーム情報学特論(E), ゲーム情報学持論

■Contributions to  Society

◆Academic Society Affiliations
人工知能学会, AAAI, ACM, 情報処理学会, International Compoter Games Association, コンピュータ将棋協会, IEEE Task Force on Player Satisfaction Modeling, Working Group WG 16.4 (Games and Entertainment Computing) of IFIP's SG, ゲーミング & シミュレーション学会, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing Society of Japan, Computer Shogi Association
◆Academic Contribution
ICGA 2016 Events (Computers and Games Conference,World Computer Chess Championship,World Computer Software Championship,Speed Computer Chess Championship,Computer Olympiad) , Jaap van den Herik, Professor, Leiden University , 2016 - 2016 , Leiden University, the Netherlands
10th India-Japan Bilateral Conference (BICON 2015) , Manish Biyani, Associate Professor, JAIST , 2015 - 2015 , Jaipur, India
Computer Olympiad 2013 , JAIST, Professor Dr. Hiroyuki Iida , 2013 - 2013 , Keio University, Yokohama

■Academic  Awards

・ Best Paper Award , Anggina Primanita, Hiroyuki Iida , Sriwijaya International Conference on Information Technology and Its Applications (SICONIAN) , 2019
・ Best Paper Award , Abuluaih S, Mohamed A, Annamalai M, Iida H , International Conference on Soft Computing in Data Science (SCDS 2018) , 2018
・ Best Paper Award , Chetprayoon Panumate, Hiroyuki Iida, Jean-Christophe Terrillon , 2016 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) , 2016