Ph.D. University of Tokyo
2017 - : Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , School of Knowledge Science , Professor
2014 - 2015 : Telecom ParisTech , Visiting Researcher
2009 - 2017 : Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , School of Knowledge Science , Professor
2006 - 2009 : Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , School of Knowledge Science , Associate Professor
2001 - 2002 : Edinburgh University , Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics , Visiting Researcher
1999 - 2006 : Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , School of Knowledge Science , Associate Professor
1998 - 1998 : SONY Computer Science Lab. – Paris , Visiting Researcher
1996 - 1999 : RIKEN , Brain Science Institute , Special Postdoctoral Researcher
1994 - 1996 : University of Tokyo , Graduate School of Arts and Sciences , 博士後期課程学生
Cognitive sciences, Cognitive neuroscience, Evolutionary biology, Linguistics, Safety engineering, Social systems engineering, Soft computing
Complex Systems, Creation, Sharing, and Utilization of Knowledge, Cultural Evolution, Recursiveness, Hierarchy, Intention Sharing, Communication systems, Knowledge science, Hetero complex systems, Internal dynamics, Linguistic analogy, Formation and change of institutions, Language change, Double loop dynamics of language evolution, Language dynamics equation, 制度形成, Institutional Ecology, Complexification of language, Community currency, Language origin, Meta-rule, Origin and evolution of language, Evolutionary economics, Dynamic view of language, Rule dynamics, Institutional design, Language evolution
Constructive study on knowledge from evolutionary viewpoint: The origin and the
evolution of language and the formation and change of institutions
I am interested in complex systems, especially, the dynamics of language and
society. My recent research focuses on the origin and the evolution of language.
Currently, I’m studying the cognitive modelling of grammaticalisation, which is
language change from contents words, such as nouns and verbs, to functional
words, such as pronouns and auxiliaries. Grammaticalisation is said to be a key
phenomena concerning the evolution of language. The cognitive modelling of the
phenomena may shed a new light on the origin of language as well as its
Dynamics of Symbolic Communication
Symbolic communication consists of interchanging of symbols among individuals
and sense-making of the symbols in each individual. During communication novel
meanings and symbols may occur, as well as sharing of information and meanings.
Namely, communication is a process of sharing and creation. In order to
understand such underling structure of such dynamic communication, we are
engaging in constructive study using computer simulation, cognitive experiments,
and analysis of mathematical models. 
Study on the Formation and Change of Social Institutions using Social Simulation
and Social Survey
Advanced Topics in Knowledge Science, Complex Systems Analysis, Introduction to Knowledge Science(E), Social-Technical Complex System, Introduction to Knowledge Science, 先端知識科学特論, 物理科学概論, 知識科学概論, 複雑系解析論
日本認知言語学会, 社会的知能発生学研究会, 言語処理学会, 人間行動進化学会, International Society for Adaptive Behavior, International Society of Artificial Life, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Japan, the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics, 数理生物懇談会, The Physical Society of Japan, Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japanese Cognitive Science Society
International Conference on the Evolution of Language , University of Tokyo, Professor, Kazuo Okanoya , 2012 - 2012 , Campus Plaza Kyoto, Japan
International Seminar on the Emergence and Evolution of Linguistic Communication 2010 (JAIST-EELC2010) , 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学知識科学研究科・教授・橋本敬 , 2009 - 2009 , 京都(キャンパスプラザ京都)
First International Workshop of Emergence and Evolution of Linguistic Communication , 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科・教授・東条敏産業技術総合研究所サイバーアシスト研究センター・研究センター長・橋田 浩一北陸先端科学技術大学院大学知識科学研究科・助教授・橋本敬他 , 2004 - 2004 , 開催場所:金沢ホームページ:第2回は英国Hertfordshire大学で開催予定。