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HASHIMOTO, Takashi Professor
Knowledge Science, Co-Creative Intelligence


263 items
Evolutionary scenario of recursive combination from object manipulation to language
Genta Toya, Rie Asano, Takashi Hashimoto
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, 964-949, 2020
Connotation embedded in hierarchical structures of symbol strings -Extension of experimental semiotics approach-
Hiroki Kataoka, Masayuki Fujiwara, Takashi Hashimoto, Jiro Okuda
Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, -, 2020
再帰的結合による多様な仮説生成 + Embodied Simulation による仮説選択 → アブダクティブな意図共有のベース
日本認知科学会第36回大会発表論文集, 974-977, 2019
Modeling self-domestication and its impact on language evolution: playing with 'play'
Genta Toya, Yasuaki Kai, Takashi Hashimoto, Antonio Benítez-Burraco
The Conference Booklet of PROTOLANG 6, 54-, 2019
Evolution of recursive combination of action representations by rewarding novel tool-making
Genta Toya, Rie Asano, Takashi Hashimoto
The Conference Booklet of PROTOLANG 6, 44-, 2019
張玥,橋本敬, 小林重人
SICE システム・情報部門 社会システム部会第18回社会システム部会研究会資料, 318-321, 2019
Can Morality Be Ascribed to Robots?
Shoji Nagataki, Hideki Ohira, Tatsuya Kashiwabata, KONNO TAKESHI, Takashi Hashimoto, Toshihiko Miura, Masayoshi Shibata, Shin'Ichi Kubota
Interacción '19 Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 44, 1-4, 2019
A philosophical and experimental study on the robot as a moral agent
Hideki Ohira, Shoji Nagataki, Takashi Hashimoto, Tatsuya Kashiwabata, KONNO TAKESHI, Masayoshi Shibata, Toshihiko Miura, Shin’ichi Kubota
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Morality and Robots: Moral HRI, 15-18, 2018
Difference of two recursions, 'hierarchical embedding' and 'self-reference': from view of adaptive functions and implementations
Genta Toya, Rie Asano, Takashi Hashimoto
The Evolution of Language, 507-509, 2018
Existence of phase synchronization, detected by electroencephalography, in the formation of symbolic communication systems
Fujiwara Masayuki, Hashimoto Takashi, Li Guanhong, Okuda Jiro, Konno Takeshi, Samejima Kazuyuki, Morita Junya
The Booklet of Analysis and Modeling of Complex Oscillatory Systems (AMCOS), 48-, 2018
橋本敬, 金野武司, 長滝祥司, 大平英樹, 入江諒, 河上章太郎, 佐藤拓磨, 加藤樹里, 柏端達也, 三浦俊彦, 久保田進一, 柴田正良
日本認知科学会第35回大会発表論文集, 958-960, 2018
Building hierarchical structure: Its functional model and evolutionary simulation
Genta Toya, Rie Asano, Takashi Hashimoto
The Program and Abstract Booklet of EVOSLACE: Workshop on the emergence and evolution of social learning, communication, language and culture in natural and artificial agents in ALIFE 2018, 21-, 2018
Phase Synchrony in Symbolic Communication: Effect of Order of Messaging Bearing Intention
Masayuki Fujiwara, Takashi Hashimoto, Guanhong Li, Jiro Okuda, Takeshi Konno, Kazuyuki Samejima, Junya Morita
Proceedins of The 20th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sceiences, 40-41, 2018
Neural implementation and evolutionary simulation of building hierarchical structure
Genta Toya, Rie Asano, Takashi Hashimoto
The Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society, 160-161, 2018
Changes in phase synchronization of EEG during development of symbolic communication systems., In J. M. Delgado-Garc_a, X. Pan, R. S_nchez-Campusano, & R. Wang (Eds.)
Masayuki Fujiwara, Takashi Hashimoto, Guanhong Li, Jiro Okuda, Takeshi Konno, Kazuyuki Samejima, Junya Morita
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics(VI): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics _ 2017, 327-333, 2018
On The Robot As A Moral Agent.
Shoji Nagataki, Masayoshi Shibata, Takashi Hashimoto, Tatsuya Kashiwabata, Takeshi Konno, Hideki Ohira, Toshihiko Miura, Shinichi Kubota
Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Interacción 2018, Palma, Spain, September 12-14, 2018, 24:1-24:5-, 2018
Recursive combination has adaptability in diversifiability of production and material culture
Genta Toya, Takashi Hashimoto
Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1512, 1-17, 2018
サービソロジー, 5, 2, 36-, 2018
日本認知科学会第35回大会発表論文集, 318-321, 2018
Statistical inference of meaning by a generative model of symbol communication in the "coordination game"
SAMEJIMA Kazuyuki, KONNO Takeshi, MORITA Junya, OKUDA Ji ro, LI Guanhong, FUJIWARA Masayuki, HASHIMOTO Takashi
日本神経回路学会全国大会講演論文集, 27th, 85‐86-, 2017
藤原正幸, 橋本敬, 李冠宏, 奥田次郎, 金野武司, 鮫島和行, 森田純哉
日本神経回路学会全国大会講演論文集, 27th, 53‐54-, 2017
Hierarchical Structures of Hermeneutic Circles in Co-Creative Communication : Analysis of Emergent Process of Ideas by Collaborative Construction Experiment
前田 聡, 橋本 敬
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 116, 524, 17-22, 2017
Hierarchal Structures of Hermeneutic Circle in Co-Creative Communication-Analysis of Emergent Process of Ideas by Collaborative Construction Experiment-
前田聡, 橋本敬
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 116, 524(HCS2016 90-118), 17‐22-, 2017
The Role of Unintended Imitation in Generating a Shared Communication System
森田純哉, 金野武司, 奥田次郎, 鮫島和行, LI Guanhong, 藤原正幸, 橋本敬
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM), 34th, 770‐772-, 2017
Two recursions, "hierarchical embedding" and "self-reference": Difference of their adaptive functions and implementations in humans
外谷弦太, 浅野莉絵, 橋本敬
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM), 34th, 622‐624-, 2017
大西翔太, 小林重人, 橋本敬
人工知能学会第3回市民共創知研究会(SIG-CCI)みらいらぼなごや予稿集, 34-41, 2017
須藤洸基, 橋本敬, 東条敏
計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016, ROMBUNNO.GS13‐1-, 2016
藤原正幸, 橋本敬, 李冠宏, 奥田次郎, 金野武司, 鮫島和行, 森田純哉
計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016, ROMBUNNO.GS13‐13-, 2016
Statistical inference of meaning by a generative model of signal communication in the "coordination game"
鮫島和行, 金野武司, LI Adam, 奥田次郎, 森田純哉, 橋本敬
情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2016, MPS-111, Vol.2016‐MPS‐111,No.5,1‐6 (WEB ONLY)-, 2016
鮫島 和行, 金野 武司, 李 冠宏, 奥田 次郎, 森田 純哉, 橋本 敬
情報処理学会 第111回 数理モデル化と問題解決研究会予稿集, 111, 5, 1-6, 2016
外谷弦太, 橋本敬
日本進化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集(Web), 18th, ROMBUNNO.O‐2D‐1 (WEB ONLY)-, 2016
日本進化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集(Web), 18th, ROMBUNNO.W1‐3 (WEB ONLY)-, 2016
Complex Systems Approach to the Emergence of Language and Communication
J. of SICE, 53, 9, 789-793, 2016
An Experimental Approach on the formation of Displacement in Linguistic Communication
J. of SICE, 53, 9, 808-814, 2016
金野武司, 橋本敬, 奥田次郎, 鮫島和行, LI Guanhong
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM), 33rd, ROMBUNNO.OS01‐5-, 2016
Study on Formation of Symbol Communication Systems using Experimental Paradigms in Laboratories
KONNO Takeshi, MORITA Junya, HASHIMOTO Takashi
J. of SICE, 53, 9, 801-807, 2016
Learning how to learn through experiential learning promoting metacognitive skills to improve knowledge co-creation ability
Koji Tanaka, Hieu Chi Dam, Shigeto Kobayashi, Takashi Hashimoto, Mitsuru Ikeda
石上将也, 橋本敬
計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015, ROMBUNNO.GS13-10-, 2015
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM), 32nd, ROMBUNNO.OS02-3-, 2015
金野武司, 橋本敬, LI Guanhong, 奥田次郎
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM), 32nd, ROMBUNNO.P2‐26-, 2015
描画コミュニケーションにおける比喩の使用 -聴者・ろう者を対象に-
田村香織, 岡田智裕, 坊農真弓, 橋本敬
言語科学会第17回年次国際大会予稿集, 187-188, 2015
金野武司, 橋本敬, 森田純哉
計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.SS3-9-, 2014
外谷弦太, 橋本敬
計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.SS3-6-, 2014
楊碩, 橋本敬, 李冠宏, 李暁燕
言語処理学会年次大会発表論文集(Web), 20th, P2-12 (WEB ONLY)-, 2014
馬思維, 橋本敬, 金野武司
言語処理学会年次大会発表論文集(Web), 20th, P5-17 (WEB ONLY)-, 2014
山田 広明, 橋本 敬
JSAI大会論文集, 2014, 0, 2G52-2G52, 2014
EEG experiment for examining the role of human mirror system in the formation of symbolic communication systems
李 冠宏, 金野 武司, 橋本 敬
JCSS Japanese Congnitive Science Society, 485-488, 2014
Institutional design for community activity driven by vicarious experience
Hiroaki Yamada, Takashi Hashimoto
International School on Knowledge Co-Creation 2014, 30-, 2014
進化経済学会第18回大会発表論文集, 427-446, 2014
田村香織, 橋本敬
計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2014講演論文集, 53, 9, 808-814, 2014
Study on the Mechanism of Community Currency Circulation Using Gaming and Multi-Agent Simulation
小林 重人, 吉田 昌幸, 橋本 敬
シミュレーション&ゲーミング = Studies in simulation and gaming, 23, 2, 1-11, 2013
森田純哉, 金野武司, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 27th, 10, ROMBUNNO.3H3-OS-05B-3-4, 2013
山田広明, 橋本敬
計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013, ROMBUNNO.SS12-6-, 2013
辻野正訓, 白岩正三, 橋本敬
運輸政策研究, 16, 2, 014-021, 2013
辻野正訓, 白岩正三, 橋本敬
運輸政策研究, 16, 2, 14-21, 2013
金野武司, 森田純哉, 橋本敬
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM), 30th, 3, ROMBUNNO.O1-4-24, 2013
Alteration of Motivation on Collective Health Behavior: Agent-based Simulation by Social Interaction of Normative Belief
山田広明, 橋本敬
情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM), 2012, 6, ROMBUNNO.MPS-92,NO.28-, 2013
Alteration of Motivation on Collective Health Behavior: Agent-based Simulation by Social Interaction of Normative Belief
山田 広明, 橋本 敬
研究報告数理モデル化と問題解決(MPS), 2013, 28, 1-2, 2013
Size Effect In Simulation of The Formation of Symbolic Communication System
李 冠宏, 橋本 敬
Proc. of JSAI, 2013, 0, 3J3OS20b3-3J3OS20b3, 2013
金野武司, 森田純哉, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 27th, ROMBUNNO.3J3-OS-20B-4-4, 2013
田村 香織, 橋本 敬
JSAI大会論文集, 2013, 0, 3J4OS20c1-3J4OS20c1, 2013
田村香織, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 27th, ROMBUNNO.3J4-OS-20C-1-4, 2013
金野 武司, 森田 純哉, 橋本 敬
JSAI大会論文集, 2013, 0, 3J3OS20b4-3J3OS20b4, 2013
山田広明, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 27th, ROMBUNNO.1I5-OS-11C-2-4, 2013
山田 広明, 橋本 敬
JSAI大会論文集, 2013, 0, 1I5OS11c2-1I5OS11c2, 2013
森田純哉, 金野武司, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 27th, ROMBUNNO.3H3-OS-05B-3-4, 2013
森田 純哉, 金野 武司, 橋本 敬
JSAI大会論文集, 2013, 0, 3H3OS05b3-3H3OS05b3, 2013
金野武司, 森田純哉, 橋本敬
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM), 30th, ROMBUNNO.O1-4-24, 2013
山田広明, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 27th, 10, ROMBUNNO.1I5-OS-11C-2-4, 2013
田村香織, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 27th, 10, ROMBUNNO.3J4-OS-20C-1-4, 2013
金野武司, 森田純哉, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 27th, 2, ROMBUNNO.3J3-OS-20B-4-4, 2013
自律的健康行動の設計に向けて: ヘルスケイパビリティ・アプローチへの課題と戦略
山田広明, 橋本敬
知識共創, vol.3, 3, v2-1-, 2013
小林重人, 吉田昌幸, 橋本敬
進化経済学論集, 17, -, 2013
山田広明, 橋本敬, 立瀬剛志, 須永恭子
第54回日本社会医学会総会講演集, 150-151, 2013
小林 重人, 吉田 昌幸, 橋本 敬
日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会 全国大会論文報告集, 2013年秋, 24-29, 2012
西部 忠, 橋本 敬, 小林 重人, 栗田 健一, 宮﨑 義久, 廣田 裕之
Discussion Paper, Series B, 104, 1-79, 2012
Agent-based Simulation on Circulation Mechanism of Community Currency in Hilly and Mountainous Area
高橋佑輔, 小林重人, 橋本敬
情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM), 2011, 6, ROMBUNNO.MPS-87,NO.26-, 2012
橋本 敬, 西部 忠
經濟學研究 = Economic Studies, 61, 4, 131-151, 2012
Institutional Ecology : A Theoretical Model and Its Economic Implication
Hashimioto Takashi, Nishibe Makoto
The economic studies, 61, 4, 131-151, 2012
Agent-based Simulation on Circulation Mechanism of Community Currency in Hilly and Mountainous Area
高橋 佑輔, 小林 重人, 橋本 敬
研究報告数理モデル化と問題解決(MPS), 2012, 26, 1-6, 2012
岡ノ谷一夫, 橋本敬, 上田雅信, 水本正晴, 大谷卓史, 藤田耕司, 池内正幸
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM), 29th, ROMBUNNO.WS4-, 2012
Simulation on Circulation of Community Currency in Hilly and Mountainous Area : A Case Study of Kawaguchi, Nagaoka
高橋 佑輔, 小林 重人, 橋本 敬
進化経済学論集, 16, 735-754, 2012
Community Bank and Community Association as Institutional Ecology : A Case Study of Palmas Bank in Fortaleza, Brazil
小林 重人, 橋本 敬, 西部 忠
進化経済学論集, 16, 529-544, 2012
Constructive modeling of gramaticalization for the origin and evolution of language
Takashi Hashimoto, Masaya Nakatsuka, Takeshi Konno
Future Trends in the Biology of Language, 53-81, 2012
日本認知科学会第29回大会論文集, 43-, 2012
Flow of Micro-Meso-Macro-Loop in experiment of circulation of community currency : money consciousness in Meso level
小林 重人, 栗田 健一, 西部 忠, 橋本 敬
Discussion Paper, Series B, 96, 1-17, 2011
Experimental study on formation of symbolic communication systems in coordination task
金野武司, 森田純哉, 橋本敬
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 110, 400(NLC2010 30-44), 49-54, 2011
Experimental study on formation of symbolic communication systems in coordination task
金野武司, 森田純哉, 橋本敬
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 110, 400(NLC2010 30-44), 49-54, 2011
森田純哉, 金野武司, 橋本敬
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM), 28th, ROMBUNNO.O2-3-, 2011
進化言語学におけるシミュレーションの特徴と役割 ―合成性と文法化のシミュレーションから言語の起源・進化へ―
KLS31: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of The Kansai Linguistic Society, 263-273, 2011
辻野正訓, 橋本敬
進化経済学会論集第15集, 15, 294-337, 2011
小林重人, 栗田健一, 西部忠, 橋本敬
進化経済学会論集第15集, 15, 624-639, 2011
橋本敬, 西部忠
進化経済学会論集, 15, 605-623, 2011
辻野正訓, 橋本敬
第14回知識科学シンポジウム論文集, 120-, 2011
鳥居拓馬, 橋本敬
第14回知識科学シンポジウム論文集, 119-, 2011
Cultural evolution of compositional language under multiple cognition of meanings
R. Matoba, S. Sakamoto, T. Hashimoto
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, AROB 15th'10, 302-305, 2010
Emergence, Stabilization and Collapse of Key Currency in International Financial Market Model
辻野正訓, 橋本敬
情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM), 2010, 3, ROMBUNNO.MPS-80,NO.11-, 2010
Emergence, Stabilization and Collapse of Key Currency in International Financial Market Model
研究報告数理モデル化と問題解決(MPS), 2010, 11, 1-6, 2010
Analysis on Mechanism of Dynamic Generation by Discrete-Continuous Coupled Model in Symbolic Communication
鳥居拓馬, 橋本敬
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 110, 122(NLP2010 29-47), 39-42, 2010
橋本敬, 稲邑哲也, 柴田智広, 瀬名秀明
日本ロボット学会誌, 28, 4, 407-412, 2010
橋本敬, 稲邑哲也, 柴田智広, 瀬名秀明
日本ロボット学会誌, 28, 4, 407-412, 2010
Compatibility of Language Changes and Sharing Vocabulary:The role of Priority of Generalization and Preventing Production of Homonyms
KONNO TAKESHI, Takashi Hashimoto
Proceedings of 4th International Nonlinear Science Conference 2010, -, 2010
Simulator platform that enables social interaction simulation - SIGVerse: SocioIntelliGenesis simulator
Tetsunari Inamura, Tomohiro Shibata, Hideaki Sena, Takashi Hashimoto, Nobuyuki Kawai, Takahiro Miyashita, Yoshiki Sakurai, Masahiro Shimizu, Mihoko Otake, Koh Hosoda, Satoshi Umeda, Kentaro Inui, Yuichiro Yoshikawa
2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration: SI International 2010 - The 3rd Symposium on System Integration, SII 2010, Proceedings, 2009, 212-217, 2010
鳥居拓馬, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 24th, ROMBUNNO.1I2-OS1B-10-3, 2010
金野武司, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 24th, ROMBUNNO.1I2-OS1B-7-, 2010
鳥居 拓馬, 橋本 敬
JSAI大会論文集, 2010, 0, 1I2OS1b10-1I2OS1b10, 2010
金野 武司, 橋本 敬
JSAI大会論文集, 2010, 0, 1I2OS1b7-1I2OS1b7, 2010
Role of Constructive Simulation and Development of SIGVerse in Sociointelligenesis
Hashimoto Takashi, Inamura Tetsunari, Shibata Tomohiro, Sena Hideaki
JRSJ, 28, 4, 407-412, 2010
Evolutionary Constructive Approach to the Origin and Evolution of Language
橋本 敬
Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 10, 745-748, 2010
The Role of Language Changes and Polysemous Utterances in Forming Compositional Language
金野 武司, 橋本 敬
Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 10, 754-757, 2010
Creole Community Formation in Spatial Language Dynamics with Regard to the Amount of Language Input
中村 誠, 橋本 敬, 東条 敏
Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 10, 762-765, 2010
鳥居拓馬, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 24th, 10, ROMBUNNO.1I2-OS1B-10-3, 2010
小林重人, 栗田健一, 西部忠, 橋本敬
進化経済学論集第14集, 451-452, 2010
金野武司, 橋本敬
MYCOM2010(第11回AI若手の集い, オンライン予稿集5-1, -, 2010
Simulator platform that enables social interaction simulation - SIGVerse: SocioIntelliGenesis simulator
Tetsunari Inamura, Tomohiro Shibata, Hideaki Sena, Takashi Hashimoto, Nobuyuki Kawai, Takahiro Miyashita, Yoshiki Sakurai, Masahiro Shimizu, Mihoko Otake, Koh Hosoda, Satoshi Umeda, Kentaro Inui, Yuichiro Yoshikawa
2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration: SI International 2010 - The 3rd Symposium on System Integration, SII 2010, Proceedings, 212-217, 2010
SIGVerse: Intelligent Robot Simulator with Embodied Social Interaction
稲邑哲也, 柴田智広, 瀬名秀明, 橋本敬, 川合伸幸, 宮下敬宏, 櫻井圭記, 清水正宏, 大武美保子, 細田耕, 梅田聡, 乾健太郎
日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 27th, ROMBUNNO.3S2-05-, 2009
山田 広明, 金野 武司, 橋本 敬
MYCOM2009(第10回AI若手の集い),オンライン予稿集, 79-82, 2009
Development of Multi-robots Communicating by Pheromone Trail
藤澤隆介, 今村光, 橋本敬, 松野文俊
情報処理学会論文誌トランザクション(CD-ROM), 2008, 2, VOL.2.NO.2,80-91-, 2009
Does circuit breaker have magnet effect? : Access log analysys of website on circuit breaker rules
Kobayashi Shigeto, Hashimoto Takashi
Research report, 2009, 1-11, 2009
Development of Multi-robots Communicating by Pheromone Trail
藤澤 隆介, 今村 光, 橋本 敬, 松野 文俊
情報処理学会論文誌数理モデル化と応用(TOM), 2, 2, 80-91, 2009
真隅暁, 山本知幸, 橋本敬
日本物理学会講演概要集, 64, 1, 313-313, 2009
金野 武司, 橋本 敬
第73回数理モデル化と問題解決研究会予稿集, 1-4, 2009
The Role of Illogical Inferences with Polysemic Utterances for Grammar Formation
金野武司, 橋本敬
情報処理学会研究報告, 2009, 19(MPS-73), 101-104, 2009
Evolutionary Simulation of Homeostatic Plasticity: Effect of Sensibility to Stimulus Changes
鳥居拓馬, 橋本敬
情報処理学会研究報告, 2009, 19(MPS-73), 113-116, 2009
Modeling of CSR activity as quasi-public goods and analysis of dissemination mechanism
篠原直登, 橋本敬, 江頭進
情報処理学会研究報告, 2009, 19(MPS-73), 117-120, 2009
稲邑哲也, 柴田智広, 瀬名秀明, 橋本敬, 川合伸幸, 宮下敬宏, 櫻井圭記, 清水正宏, 大武美保子, 細田耕, 梅田聡, 乾健太郎
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 23rd, 0, ROMBUNNO.2I2-1-2I21, 2009
Minimum Nomic: A tool for studying rule dynamics
Masaomi Hatakeyama, Takashi Hashimoto
Artificial Life and Robotics, 13, 2, 500-503, 2009
On dissemination mechanism of corporate social responsibility (CSR): Analysis with agent simulation.
Takashi Hashimoto, Naoto Shinohara, Susumu Egashira
Normative Multi-Agent Systems, 15.03. - 20.03.2009, -, 2009
2A2-C22 Simulator platform that enables social interaction simulation : SIGVerse: SociolntelliGenesis simulator
Inamura T, Hosoda K, Umeda S, Inui K, Shibata T, Sena H, Hashimoto T, Kawai N, Miyashita T, Sakurai Y, Shimizu M, Ohtake M
Robomech, 2009, 0, _2A2-C22_1-_2A2-C22_4, 2009
29pTK-9 Distribution of residence time in partially ordered phase of globally coupled map
Masumi A, Yamamoto T, Hashimoto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 64, 0, 313-313, 2009
小林重人, 橋本敬
進化経済学論集第13集, 13, -, 2009
金野武司, 橋本敬
日本認知言語学会第10回全国大会CONFERENCE HANDBOOK, 76-79, 2009
日本認知言語学会第10回全国大会CONFERENCE HANDBOOK, 67-70, 2009
Designing an algorithm for swarm behavior using the concept of Umwelt
Ryusuke Fujisawa, Takashi Hashimoto
Artificial Life and Robotics, 13, 2, 575-584, 2009
Minimum Nomic: A tool for studying rule dynamics
Masaomi Hatakeyama, Takashi Hashimoto
Artificial Life and Robotics, 13, 2, 500-503, 2009
小林重人, 西部忠, 栗田健一, 橋本敬
Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences Working Paper Series, 85, October 31, 2008, 85, 17, 73-91, 2008
Development of Multi-Robots Communicationg by Pheromone Trail
FUJISAWA Ryusuke, IMAMURA Hikaru, HASHIMOTO Takashi, MATSUNO Fumitoshi
IPSJ SIG Notes, 71, 85, 37-42, 2008
Communicative Eye Gaze : Computational Study of Infant's Gaze Alternation
KONNO Takeshi, HASHIMOTO Takashi
Cognitive studies, 15, 2, 233-250, 2008
全学子, 橋本敬
言語処理学会年次大会発表論文集, 14th, 989-992, 2008
Formation Process of "Ishin-Denshin-Like Communication" in Language-Game
IPSJ SIG Notes, 2008, 17, 101-104, 2008
Formation Process of "Ishin-Denshin-Like Communication" in Language-Game
IPSJ SIG Notes, 2008, 17, 101-104, 2008
Computational Study on Joint Visual Attention How with Intentional Agency by Serial Architecture with Goals and Means
KONNO TAKESHI, Takashi Hashimoto
Proceedings of 3rd International Nonlinear Science Conference, -, 2008
Communicative Eye Gaze: Computational Study of Infant's Gaze Alternation
Konno Takeshi, Hashimoto Takashi
Cognitive Studies, 15, 2, 233-250, 2008
統計数理研究所共同研究リポートNo.217 「動的システムの情報論(7) 自然言語のダイナミズム」, 217, 7, 13-21, 2008
金野武司, 橋本敬
第9回AI若手の集い MYCOM2008予稿集, -, 2008
小林重人, 橋本敬, 小野功
進化経済学論集 第12集, -, 2008
日本言語学会 第137回大会予稿集, 36-41, 2008
The diversification of proto-cells driven by membrane permselectivity
Masaomi Hatakeyama, Takashi Hashimoto
Artificial Life and Robotics, 13, 1, 194-198, 2008
The diversification of proto-cells driven by membrane permselectivity
Masaomi Hatakeyama, Takashi Hashimoto
Artificial Life and Robotics, 13, 1, 194-198, 2008
Elementary developmental process of intentional agency: Artificial construction of gaze alternation in communicative eye gaze by infants
Takeshi Konno, Takashi Hashimoto
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotis, AROB 12th'07, 187-190, 2007
Computational Study on Interactive Effect of Circuit Breakers and Random Agents on Stabilization of Market System
Shigeto Kobayashi, Takashi Hashimoto
Proc. of The 3rd Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with 11th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, 1-6, 2007
Modeling Deception Behavior with "Running-Catching" Game
小鮒幸洋, 橋本敬
情報処理学会研究報告, 2007, 86(MPS-66), 37-40, 2007
Modeling Deception Behavior with "Running-Catching" Game
KOBUNA Yukihiro, HASHIMOTO Takashi
IPSJ SIG Notes, 2007, 86, 37-40, 2007
小林重人, 橋本敬
報処理学会研究報告, 2007, 86, 41-44, 2007
小林 重人, 橋本 敬
進化経済学論集, 11, 391-394, 2007
Emergence of Learning Biases and Structuring of Language Caused by Infant Agent with Symmetry Bias
情報処理学会論文誌数理モデル化と応用(TOM), 48, 2, 125-146, 2007
Emergence of Learning Biases and Structuring of Language Caused by Infant Agent with Symmetry Bias
篠原修二, 田口亮, 橋本敬, 桂田浩一, 新田恒雄
情報処理学会論文誌, 48, SIG2(TOM16), 125-146, 2007
Language change among 'memoryless learners' simulated in language dynamics equations
Makoto Nakamura, Takashi Hashimoto, Satoshi Tojo
Emergence of Communication and Language, 237-252, 2007
Dynamic social simulation with multi-agents having internal dynamics
Takashi Sato, Takashi Hashimoto
On autonomous coordination of learning biases by an agent with a vocabulary learning mechanism
Shuji Shinohara, Ryo Taguchi, Takashi Hashimoto, Kouichi Katsurada, Tsuneo Nitta
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 22, 2, 103-114, 2007
On autonomous coordination of learning biases by an agent with a vocabulary learning mechanism
Shuji Shinohara, Ryo Taguchi, Takashi Hashimoto, Kouichi Katsurada, Tsuneo Nitta
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 22, 2, 103-114, 2007
金野武司, 橋本敬
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集, 24th, 80-81, 2007
How Is Displacement of Symbols Possible?-Consideration through Construtive Modelling of Grammaticalization-
システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集, 2007, 205-210, 2007
Constructive modeling of grammaticalization: from the viewpoimt of evolutionary linguistics
橋本 敬, 中塚 雅也
Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 7, 33-43, 2007
Learning and transition of symbols: Towards a dynamical model of a symbolic individual
Takashi Hashimoto, Akira Masumi
Emergence of Communication and Language, 223-236, 2007
Analysis of basin structure of Milnor attractor in Globally Coupled Map
真隅暁, 山本知幸, 橋本敬
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2006, 10, 217-224, 2006
Designing and Evaluation of Swarm Behavior Using Pheromone Trail and Self-assembly Based on the Concept of Umwelt
藤澤隆介, 橋本敬, 松野文俊
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2006, 10, 145-154, 2006
Benefits and Limits of Circuit Breakers-Computational Study using Artificial Stock Market-
小林重人, 橋本敬
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2006, 10, 29-36, 2006
Developmental Construction of Infant's Gaze Alternation as Intentional Agency
金野武司, 橋本敬
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2006, 10, 195-202, 2006
篠原修二, 田口亮, 橋本敬, 桂田浩一, 新田恒雄
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集, 23rd, 296-297, 2006
篠原修二, 田口亮, 橋本敬, 桂田浩一, 新田恒雄
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集, 23rd, 5, 296-297, 2006
中村誠, 橋本敬, 東条敏
日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集, 34, 284-285, 2006
エコノミスト, 46-49, 2006
Emergence of learning biases and structuring of language caused by infant agent with symmetry assumption
IPSJ SIG Notes, 2006, 29, 51-54, 2006
Emergence of learning biases and structuring of language caused by infant agent with symmetry assumption
IPSJ SIG Notes, 2006, 29, 51-54, 2006
Developmental Construction of Infant's Gaze Alternation as Active Subjectivity
金野武司, 橋本敬
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 105, 543(NC2005 90-97), 41-46, 2006
金野 武司, 橋本 敬
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 105, 543, 1-6, 2006
Learning and transition of symbols in chaotic dynamical system: Toward dynamical model of symbolic individual
Takashi Hashimoto, Akira Masumi
AISB'05 Convention: Social Intelligence and Interaction in Animals, Robots and Agents - Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on the Emergence and Evolution of Linguistic Communication, EELC'05, 41-49, 2005
Language change in modified language dynamics equation by memoryless learners
Makoto Nakamura, Takashi Hashimoto, Satoshi Tojo
AISB'05 Convention: Social Intelligence and Interaction in Animals, Robots and Agents - Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on the Emergence and Evolution of Linguistic Communication, EELC'05, 77-85, 2005
Design of Swarm Action Algorithm Using Self-Assembly For Transportation Task
藤沢隆介, 橋本敬
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2005, 11, 217-224, 2005
Developmental Construction of Infant's Joint Visual Attention as Understanding Intentionality
金野武司, 橋本敬
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2005, 11, 179-186, 2005
小林重人, 橋本敬
情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ, 計算科学シンポジウム論文集, 2005, 11, 379-384, 2005
Effects of Internal Dynamics and Micro-Macro Loop on Dynamics of Social Structures
情報処理学会論文誌数理モデル化と応用(TOM), 46, 10, 81-92, 2005
Effects of Internal Dynamics and Micro-Macro Loop on Dynamics of Social Structures
佐藤尚, 橋本敬
情報処理学会論文誌, 46, SIG10(TOM12), 81-92, 2005
Constructive Approach to Evolution of Language
システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 49th, (27)-(30)-, 2005
Hashimoto Takashi
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 5, 0, 4-4, 2005
力学系ゲームによる市場ダイナミクスの分析: Outwit Gameの提案
昆野真胤, 橋本敬
進化経済学論集第9集, 195-204, 2005
The Role of Membrane Permselectivity in Proto-Cell.
畠山剛臣, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 18th, 1, 2A2-02-3, 2004
The Simulation of Creolization on Language Dynamics-Dependency on the Environment on Language Acquisition-
中村誠, 橋本敬, 東条敏
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2004, 12, 121-128, 2004
Effect of Internal Dynamics and Micro-Macro Loop on Dynamics of Social Structures
佐藤尚, 橋本敬
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2004, 12, 263-270, 2004
Development of category and lexicon using developing word-web model
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2004, 12, 107-112, 2004
Symbol formation by using a chaotic neural network
真隅暁, 橋本敬
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2004, 12, 403-406, 2004
Analysis of Market Dynamics by Dynamical Systems Game: Proposition of Outwit Game
昆野真胤, 橋本敬
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2004, 12, 247-254, 2004
Chaotic itinerancy as rule dynamics
並川淳, 橋本敬
システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 48th, 0, 627-628, 2004
First-person accounts on cognitive embodiment through left-right reversed vision
伊東真紀子, 橋本敬
情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2004, 12, 367-372, 2004
Dynamic Social Simulation with Multi-Agent having Internal Dynamics
佐藤尚, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 18th, 12, 2H2-03-4, 2004
Emergence of Creole in Language Dynamics.
中村誠, 橋本敬, 東条敏
認知科学, 11, 3, 282-298, 2004
Emergence of Creole in Language Dynamics.
中村誠, 橋本敬, 東条敏
認知科学, 11, 3, 282-298, 2004
Dynamics and computation in functional shifts
J Namikawa, T Hashimoto
NONLINEARITY, 17, 4, 1317-1336, 2004
Chaotic itinerancy as rule dynamics
並川淳, 橋本敬
システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 48th, 0, 627-628, 2004
Dynamic Social Simulation with Multi-Agent having Internal Dynamics
佐藤尚, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 18th, 2H2-03-4, 2004
The Role of Membrane Permselectivity in Proto-Cell.
畠山剛臣, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 18th, 2A2-02-3, 2004
What Is Problem of Language Evolution?-From Constructive Perspective
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 18th, 1CS-2-, 2004
First-person Approach to cognitive embodiment through left-right reversed vision
伊東真紀子, 橋本敬
人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 18th, 2C1-01-, 2004
左右反転視実験による認知と身体に関するFirst Person Approachの検討
伊東 真紀子, 橋本 敬
JSAI大会論文集, 4, 0, 116-116, 2004
佐藤 尚, 橋本 敬
JSAI大会論文集, 4, 0, 198-198, 2004
Emergence of Creole in Language Dynamics
Nakamura Makoto, Hashimoto Takashi, Tojo Satoshi
Cognitive Studies, 11, 3, 282-298, 2004
言語進化とは何か? (特集 言語と人類の起源)
橋本 敬
大航海, 52, 122-129, 2004
第16回自立分散システム・シンポジウム予稿集, 125-130, 2004
Analysis of the dynamic associative memory model using functional shifts
Namikawa Jun, Hashimoto Takashi
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 58, 2, 216-216, 2003
Analysis of computational complexity in dynamical functions by functional shifts
Namikawa Jun, Hashimoto Takashi
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 58, 2, 260-260, 2003
並川 淳, 橋本 敬
人工知能基礎論研究会, 44, 13-18, 2001
Emergence of Leaders and Swarms in Multi - Agent System
SATO Takashi, HASHIMOTO Takashi
IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2001, 1, 25-30, 2001
Emergence of Leaders and Swarms in Multi-Agent System.
佐藤尚, 橋本敬
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 100, 529(AI2000 41-55), 25-30, 2001
Emergence of Leaders and Swarms in Multi-Agent System
SATO Takashi, HASHIMOTO Takashi
IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 100, 529, 25-30, 2001
計測自動制御学会第20回システム工学部会 「人工生命の新しい潮流」資料集, -, 2000
Dymanics of Relationship among Words based on a Dynamical View of Language
Cognitive Studies, 6, 1, 55-65, 1999
日本物理学会講演概要集, 53, 2, 765-765, 1998
Dynamics of Categorical Structure in Communication
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 53, 0, 765-765, 1998
Dynamics of Usage-based Relationships among Words.
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会), 1997, 745-, 1997
Development of relation between words based on language usage.
物性研究, 68, 5, 727-736, 1997
6a-YD-8 Dynamics of Usage-based Relationships among Words
Hashimoto Takashi
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 52, 0, 745-745, 1997
Oscillation of Networks in Tape-Machine Systems.
橋本敬, 池上高志
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会), 1996, Autumn Pt 3, 713-713, 1996
TM-network with Cell Structure.
橋本敬, 池上高志
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会), 1995, Autumn Pt 3, 616-616, 1995
Dynamics of Descrete Coding.
橋本敬, 池上高志
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会), 1995, Autumn Pt 3, 616-616, 1995
Self-referential Code and its Rewriting Dynamics.
池上高志, 橋本敬
日本物理学会講演概要集(年会), 50th, 3, 653-653, 1995
Dynamics of Symbolic Grammar through Linguistic Interation.
橋本敬, 池上高志
日本物理学会講演概要集(年会), 50th, 3, 653-, 1995
池上高志, 穴田一, 橋本敬
物性研究, 63, 6, p831-838, 1995
2次元CA分裂モデルのダイナミクス (複雑系)
池上 高志, 穴田 一, 橋本 敬
物性研究, 63, 6, p831-838, 1995
Two Dimensional Celllar Automata with Differentiation
Anada Hajime, Ikegami Takashi, Hashimoto Takashi
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 1995, 0, 617-617, 1995
Dynamics of Symbolic Grammar through Linguistic Interaction
Hashimoto Takashi, Ikegami Takashi
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 50, 0, 653-653, 1995
Coevolution of Turing Machines and Tapes.
池上高志, 橋本敬, 豊田信一
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会), 1993, Autumn Pt 3, 516-, 1993
Ecological Interaction and Evolutionary Dynamics between the Symbolic Grammer Systems.
橋本敬, 池上高志
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会), 1993, Autumn Pt 3, 513-, 1993
12a-G-3 Ecological Interaction and Evolutionary Dynamics between the Symbolic Grammer Systems
Hashimoto Takashi, Ikegami Takashi
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 1993, 0, 513-513, 1993
12p-G-4 Coevolution of Turing Machines and Tapes
Ikegami T, Hashimoto T, Toyoda A
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 1993, 0, 516-516, 1993
28a-W-4 Modified Spin-Wave Theory of the One-Dimensional Heisenberg Ferromagnet with Antiferromagnetic Second-Neighbor Interactions
Hashimoto T, Tonegawa T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 46, 0, 448-448, 1991