由井薗 隆也 (YUIZONO, Takaya)教授
融合科学, 知識科学, 創造社会デザイン研究領域, カーボンニュートラル研究センター
博士(工学) 鹿児島大学
情報学基礎論, 図書館情報学、人文社会情報学, ヒューマンインタフェース、インタラクション, データベース, 情報ネットワーク, 計算機システム, ソフトウェア
コラボレーション技術, 計算機支援協調作業, ソーシャルコンピューティング, 創造性, 異文化理解, ミドルウェア, 知的生産技術, コンピュータネットワーク, グループウェア, Distributed Systems






Explorative Study of Perceived Social Loafing in VR Group Discussion: A Comparison Between the Poster Presentation Environment and the Typical Conference Environment
Koutaro Kamada, Ryuya Watarai, Tzu-Yang Wang, Kentaro Takashima, Yasuyuki Sumi, Takaya Yuizono
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2023, 115-134, 2023
MultiBrush: 3D Brush Painting Using Multiple Viewpoints in Virtual Reality
Mikiya Kusunoki, Ryo Furuhama, Ryusuke Toshima, Hazuki Mori, Haoran Xie, Tzu Yang Wang, Takaya Yuizono, Toshiki Sato, Kazunori Miyata
2023 9th International Conference on Virtual Reality, ICVR 2023, 481-486, 2023
Creativity development through questioning activity in second language education
Xiaoling Yu, Tzu Yang Wang, Takaya Yuizono
Frontiers in Education, 8, -, 2023
Research proposal to understand the creative process of collaborative writing
Ziyu Wang, Takaya Yuizono
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of Japan Creativity Society, 87, 90, -, 2019
An Understanding Method for User Emotion in Urban Space
Ruixuan Li, Takaya Yuizono, Xianghui Li, Yang Yu
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of Japan Creativity Society, 38-41, 2019
A Proposal of Creativity Teaching in Product Design Education
Xiaolei Sun, Enunyoung Kim, Takaya Yuizono, Wang Li
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of Japan Creativity Society, 11-16, 2019
梅村雄貴, 由井薗隆也
研究報告グループウェアとネットワークサービス(GN), 2019-GN-107, 9, 1-8, 2019
イノベーションデザイン論 創造性研究から見たデザイン思考のルーツ
宮田一乘, 永井由佳里, 由井薗隆也, 國藤進
デザイン学研究特集号, 25, 1, 28‐39-39, 2017
Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing, Proceedings of 10th International Conference, CollabTech 2018, LNCS 11000
編者(編著者) , 212 pages, Springer, 2018
Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing, Proceedings of 9th International Conference, CollabTech 2017, LNCS 10397
編者(編著者) , 192 pages, Springer, 2017
Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing: 8th International Conference, CollabTech 2016, Kanazawa, Japan, September 14-16, 2016, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
編者(編著者) , 280, Springer, 2016
Collaboration and Technology, Proceedings of 22nd International Conference, CRIWG 2016, LNCS 9848
編者(編著者) , 192, Springer, 2016
Research proposal to understand the creative process of collaborative writing
The 41st Annual Conference of Japan Creativity Society, 2019
An Understanding Method for User Emotion in Urban Space
The 41st Annual Conference of Japan Creativity Society, 2019
A Proposal of Creativity Teaching in Product Design Education
The 41st Annual Conference of Japan Creativity Society, 2019
情報処理学会第107回GN研究会, 2019
日本創造学会第40回研究大会, 大阪府大阪市, 2018


Introduction to Knowledge Creation, Representation of Knowledge, Innovation Design(E), Innovation Design, Methodology for Knowledge Media, 知識創造論, 知識表現論, イノベーションデザイン論(E), イノベーションデザイン論, 知識メディア方法論


IEEE Computer Society, Association for Computing Machinery, 日本語教育学会, 創造学会, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, KES International, 電子情報通信学会, 情報処理学会
The Eighth International Conference on Collaboration Technologies , School of Knowledge Science, Associate Professor, Takaya Yuizono , 2016 - 2016 , Kanazawa, CRIWG2016と合同開催
22nd International Conference on Collaboration and Technology , School of Knowledge Science, Associate Professor, Takaya Yuizono , 2016 - 2016 , Kanazawa, CollabTech2016と合同開催


・ 2019年度情報処理学会 学会活動貢献賞 , 2020
・ Best Paper Run-up Award of KICSS'2019 , 2019
・ 日本創造学会論文賞 , 日本創造学会 , 2018