IKEDA, Mitsuru Professor
Knowledge Science, Co-Creative Intelligence
Dr. Eng. from Osaka University(1989) 大阪大学
M.Eng. from Utsunomiya University(1986) 宇都宮大学
◆Professional Experience
: Research associate at Utsunomiya university(1989),Research associate at Osaka university(1991),Associate Professor at Osaka university(1997),
Communication and network engineering, Mechanics and mechatronics, Robotics and intelligent systems
◆Research Keywords
Intelligent Education System, オントロジー工学, ナレッジマネジメント, e-Learning, セマンティックウェッブ, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-Base System
◆Research Interests


◆Published Papers
Causation: A functional perspective.
Fumiaki Toyoshima, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Mitsuru Ikeda
Applied Ontology, 14, 1, 43-78, 2019
田中孝治, 陳 巍・ダムヒョウチ, 小林重人, 橋本 敬, 池田 満
電子情報通信学会和文誌D, J1-1-D, 830-842-, 2018
新入社員の学び方の学びを促進する週報の構成:質的データ分析手法SCAT を用いた週報の分析
田中孝治, 水島和憲, 仲林 清, 池田 満
電子情報通信学会和文誌D, J101-D, 6, 874-883-, 2018
Collaborative ontology development approach for multidisciplinary knowledge: A scenario-based knowledge construction system in life cycle assessment
Akkharawoot Takhom, Sasiporn Usanavasin, Thepchai Supnithi, Mitsuru Ikeda
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E101D, 4, 892-900, 2018
Computer-Supported Meta-reflective Learning Model via mathematical word problem learning for training metacognition.
Array,Thepchai Supnithi, Gun Srijuntongsiri, Mitsuru Ikeda
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 13, 1, 14-, 2018
A Learning Support Method to Raise Awareness of the Knowledge-to-Action Gap in Information Ethics —Using Experimental Method of Cognitive Psychology—
Tanaka Koji, Miwa Honomi, Ikeda Mitsuru, Hori Masahiro
Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, 35, 2, 111-121, 2018
Study of a Method Using Reverse-Thinking Problems to Enhance the Ability to Interpret Information Relevant to Selecting Safe Action in Case of Disaster Evacuation
Kitagawa Yuichi, Kuyama Masaki, Ikeuchi Tadamasa, Tanaka Koji, Ikeda Mitsuru, Hori Masahiro
Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, 35, 2, 122-133, 2018
Learning Support Method to Induce Unsafe Evacuation Behavior by Simulated Disaster Experience
Tanaka Koji, Umeno Kouhei, Ikeda Mitsuru, Hori Masahiro
Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, 34, 1, 44-53, 2017
Experimental Studies on Knowledge-to-action Gap to Comply with Information Ethics
TANAKA Koji, SONODA Miku, IKEDA Mitsuru, HORI Masahiro
Japan Journal of Educational Technology, 40, 3, 153-164, 2016
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems,
編者(編著者) , LNCS4053, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Hidelberg, 2006
人工知能学辞典・第18章 AI応用:教育支援,編集担当
共著, 830-881, 共立出版, 2005
人工知能学辞典・Soar, Conceptural graph, オントロジーアウェアモデリング環境, 学習者モデル, オーサリング支援
共著, 共立出版, 2005
Towards Sustainable Educational Innovations Informed by The Learning Science Proceedings of The Thirteenth International Conference on Computer and Education,
編者(編著者) , IOS Press, 2005
CAI学会誌, 1993
◆Conference Activities & Talks
日本心理学会第81回大会, 福岡, 2017
日本教育工学会第33回大会, 島根, 2017
日本認知科学会第34回大会, 石川, 2017
第42回教育システム情報学会全国大会, 福岡, 2017
第42回教育システム情報学会全国大会, 福岡, 2017

■Teaching Experience

Advanced Topics in Healthcare Service Knowledge Science, Medical Service and Information Management, Medical Service Knowledge Management, Introduction to Medical Service Science 2, Introduction to Medical Service Science 1, Introduction to Medical Service Science, 先端医療・介護サービス知識科学特論, 医療サービス情報経営論, 医療サービス知識経営論, 医療サービスサイエンスⅡ, 医療サービスサイエンスⅠ, 医療サービスサイエンス基礎

■Contributions to  Society

◆Academic Society Affiliations
米国人工知能学会 AAAI(The American Association for Artificial Intelligence), ACM(Association for Computer Machinery), IEEE(The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 情報処理学会, 人工知能学会, 電子情報通信学会
◆Academic Contribution
International Conference on Computer and Education,