Development of an Environment for Building Ontologies which is based on a Fundamental Consideration of "Relationship" and "Role"
The Sixth Pacific Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW2000, 205-221, 2000
An Ontology-Aware Authoring Tool-Functionalstructure and guidance generation-
Proc. of AIED'99, 41-48, 1999
人工知能学会誌, 13, 1, 11-13, 1998
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J81-D-(]G0002[), 9, 2168-2180, 1998
人工知能学会誌, 13, 4, 59-608, 1998
Construction of a Problem Solving Ontology-A Scheduling Task Ontology As an Example-
J. of JSAI,, 13, 4, 59-608, 1998
An Ontology-based Intelligent Authoring Tool
Proceedings of ICCE '98, Beijing, China, 1998(Also in Workshop Notes of Model based resasoning for intelligent education environments, ECAI98, Brighton, UK,, 41-49, 1998
An Ontology for Building A Conceptual Problem Solving Model
Proc. of ECA198 Workshop on Applications of ontologies and problem-solving model, 126-133, 1998
An Ontology for Building A Conceptual Problem Solving Model
Proc. of ECAI98 Workshop on Applications of ontologies and Problem-solving model, 126-133, 1998
Ontology Design of Fluid Systems and Time for Model-Based Problem Solving and Its Evaluation KITAMURA Yoshinobu, SASAJIMA Munehiko, IKEDA Mitsuru, YOSHIKAWA Shinji, OZAWA Kenji, MIZOGUCHI Riichiro, Yoshinobu Kitamura, Shinji Yoshikawa, Munehiko Sasajima, Mitsuru Ikeda, Kenji Ozawa, Riichiro Mizoguchi, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research Osaka University, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research Osaka University, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research Osaka University, O-arai Engineering Center Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation, O-arai Engineering Center Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research Osaka University
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 12, 1, 132-143, 1997
協調学習支援のモデル-Opportunistic Group Formation
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J80-D-11, 855-865, 1997
人工知能学会誌, 12, 4, 559-569, 1997
Ontology Design of Fluid Systems and Time for Model-Based Problem Solving and Its Evalutation KITAMURA Yoshinobu, SASAJIMA Munehiko, IKEDA Mitsuru, YOSHIKAWA Shinji, OZAWA Kenji, MIZOGUCHI Riichiro, Yoshinobu Kitamura, Shinji Yoshikawa, Munehiko Sasajima, Mitsuru Ikeda, Kenji Ozawa, Riichiro Mizoguchi, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research Osaka University, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research Osaka University, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research Osaka University, O-arai Engineering Center Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation, O-arai Engineering Center Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research Osaka University
J. Jpn. Soc. for Artificaial intelligence, 12, 1, 132-143, 1997
Towards Ontology Engineering
Proc. of The Joint 1997 Pacific Asian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 259-266, 1997
A Model-based Diagnosis with Faultevent Models
Proc. of '97 Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems, 322-329, 1997
Domain Ontology Design for Model-based Reasoning and Its Evaluation
Proc. of '97 Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems, 275-282, 1997
A Model of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning-Opportunistic Group Formation
Trans. of IEICE, J80-D-11, 855-865, 1997
Ontology Engineering-Towards the Basic Theory and technology for Content-Oriented Research
J. Jpn. Soc. for Artificial intelligence, 12, 4, 559-569, 1997
FITS/CL : A System to Inotiate Individual and Collaborative Learning
Proc. of International Conference in Education, 871-873, 1997
A Negotiation Mechanism for Forming a Learning Group in CSCL
Proc. of International Conference on Computers in Education, 349-353, 1997
Capturing a Conceptual Model for End-user Programming-Task Ontology as a Static User Model
Proc. of the sixth international confrence on user modeling, UM '97, 203-214, 1997
An Onotlogical Consideration of Causal Time in Qualitative Reasoning Systems
Proc. of The Eleventh International on Qualitative Reasoning(QR-97), 277-285, 1997
A Causal Time Ontology for Qualitative Reasoning
Proc. of IJCAI-97, 501-506, 1997
Role Explication of Simulation in Intelligent Training Systems by Training Task Ontology
Proc. of AI-ED-97 Workshop on Architectures for intelligent simulation-based learning envrionments, 41-48, 1997
Opportunistic Group Formation-A Theory for Intelligent Support in Collaborative Learning
Proc. of AI-ED-97, 167-174, 1997
Roles of Shared Ontology in AI-ED Research-Intelligence, Conceptualization, Standardization, and Reusability
Proc. of AIED-97, 537-544, 1997
人工知能学会誌, 11, 3, 420-431, 1996
Design of a Functional Representation Language FBRL Basen on an Ontology of Function and Behavior
J. Jpn. Soc. for Artificial intelligence, 11, 3, 420-431, 1996
Ontological Issues on Computer-based Training
PRICAI-96 Workshop on Knowledge-based Instructional Systems in an Industrial Setting, 55-66, 1996
Diagnosis based on Faultevent Models
Working Papers of 7th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, 115-122, 1996
An Environment for Building Conceptual Model of Problem Solving
Proc. of The Pacific Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, 210-225, 1996
Design of a Conceptual Level Programming Environment Based on Task Ontology
Proc. of the first international conference on successes and pitfalls of knowledge based systems in real world applications, 11-20, 1996
Knowledge Engineering of Educational Systems for Authorings System Design-A preliminary results of task ontology design
Proc. of EAIED, 329-335, 1996
A method of qualitative reasoning for model-based problem solving and its application to a nuclear plant Y Kitamura, M Sasajima, M Ikeda, R Mizoguchi, S Yoshikawa, A Endou, O Kakusho
人工知能学会誌, 10, 3, 436-445, 1995
Domain Ontology for Representing Behavior and Function
Proceedings of Pacific-Asian Conference on Expert Systems(PACES'95), 147-154, 1995
Ontology for Modeling the World from Problem Solving Perspectives
Proc. of IJCAI-95 Workshop on Basic Ontological Issued in Knowledge Sharing, 1-12, 1995
Analysis of Novice's Conceptual Gap for an ITS for Novice Programmers
Jounal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 10, 3, 436-445, 1995
Task Ontology for Reuse of Problem Solving Knowledge
Proc. of Knowledge Building & Knowledge Sharing 1995(KB&KS'95), 46-59, 1995
FERL : A Function and Behavior Representation Language
Proc. of the 14 the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI'95), 2, 1830-1836, 1995
Ontological Issue of CSCL Systems Design
Proc. of Artificial Intelligence in Education 95, 242-249, 1995
人工知能学会読, 9, 5, 129-137, 1994
THEMIS : A Nonmonotonic Inductive Student Modeling System
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 5, 3, 371-413, 1994
Model building and Qualitative Reasoning for Diagnostic Shell
Proc. of Japan/Korea Joint Conference on Expert Systems, -, 1994
Functional Extension of EBL by Introducing Comparison Viewpoints
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 9, 5, 129-137, 1994
1,467-473, -, 1993
人工知能学会誌, 8, 2, 212-221, 1993
人工知能学会誌, 8, 4, 465-475, 1993
人工知能学会誌, 8, 4, 488-498, 1993
人工知能学会誌, 8, 4, 476-487, 1993
Nonmonotonic Model Inference -A formalination of Student Mocleling-
Proceedings of IJCAI'93, 1,467-473, -, 1993
Operation of Tutoring Strategies for FITS.
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 8, 2, 212-221, 1993
An Efficient Knowledge Management Method for ATMS-based Problem Solving
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 8, 4, 465-475, 1993
A Student Model Building Method besed or Formalization of Nonmonotonicity
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 8, 4, 488-498, 1993
A Methodology for Building Expert Systems on Task Ontology and Reuse of Knowledge
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 8, 4, 476-487, 1993
人工知能学会誌, 7, 3, -, 1992
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J75-A, 2, -, 1992
MIPS : A Cognitive Model for ITS
Journal of J S A I, 7, 3, -, 1992
FITS : A Generic Framework for ITS
The Transactions of IEICE, J75-A, 2, -, 1992
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J72-D-II, 1, -, 1989
Student Model Description Language SMDL and Student Model Inference System SMIS
The Transaction of IEICE, J72-D-II, 1, -, 1989
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J72-D-II, 9, -, 1988
A Hypothetical Model Inference System
The Transaction of IEICE, J72-D-II, 9, -, 1988
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J69-D, 10, -, 1986
An Efficient Parsing Algorithm based on the Dynamic Programming for loop-free CSL
The Transaction of IEICE, J69-D, 10, -, 1986