安 東秀 (AN, Toshu)准教授
マテリアルサイエンス, ナノマテリアル・デバイス研究領域, 自然との共感・共生テクノロジー研究センター


Acoustic spin pumping: Direct generation of spin currents from sound waves in Pt/Y 3Fe 5O 12 hybrid structures
K. Uchida, H. Adachi, T. An, H. Nakayama, M. Toda, B. Hillebrands, S. Maekawa, E. Saitoh
Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 5, 053903-053903-, 2012
Surface-acoustic-wave-driven spin pumping in Y3Fe 5O12/Pt hybrid structure
Ken Ichi Uchida, Toshu An, Yosuke Kajiwara, Masaya Toda, Eiji Saitoh
Applied Physics Letters, 99, 21, 212501-212501, 2011
Surface-acoustic-wave-driven spin pumping in Y3Fe5O12/Pt hybrid structure
Ken-ichi Uchida, Toshu An, Yosuke Kajiwara, Masaya Toda, Eiji Saitoh
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 99, 21, 212501-212501, 2011
Continuous Generation of Spinmotive Force in a Patterned Ferromagnetic Film
Y. Yamane, K. Sasage, T. An, K. Harii, J. Ohe, J. Ieda, S. E. Barnes, E. Saitoh, S. Maekawa
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 107, 23, 236602-, 2011
Long-range spin Seebeck effect and acoustic spin pumping
K. Uchida, H. Adachi, T. An, T. Ota, M. Toda, B. Hillebrands, S. Maekawa, E. Saitoh
Nature Materials, 10, 10, 737-741, 2011
Comparison of force sensors for atomic force microscopy based on quartz tuning forks and length-extensional resonators
Franz J. Giessibl, Florian Pielmeier, Toyoaki Eguchi, Toshu An, Yukio Hasegawa
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 84, 12, 125409-, 2011
21pGP-10 スピン波ペルチェ効果(21pGP スピントロニクス(スピン流・スピン注入・スピン波),領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))
安 東秀, 内田 健一, 針井 一哉, 梶原 瑛祐, 齊藤 英治
日本物理学会講演概要集, 66, 2, 412-412, 2011
Nonlinear spin pumping induced by parametric excitation
K. Ando, T. An, E. Saitoh
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 99, 9, 092510-, 2011
Frequency dependence of spin pumping in Pt/Y3Fe5O12 film
Kazuya Harii, Toshu An, Yosuke Kajiwara, Kazuya Ando, Hiroyasu Nakayama, Tatsuro Yoshino, Eiji Saitoh
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 109, 11, 116105-, 2011
Nonlinear spin pumping induced by parametric excitation
Ando, K. An, T. Saitoh
Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 9, 092510-, 2011
Tip-induced excitation of a single vortex in nano-size superconductors using scanning tunneling microscopy
Takahiro Nishio, Shizeng Lin, Toshu An, Toyoaki Eguchi, Yukio Hasegawa
NANOTECHNOLOGY, 21, 46, 465704-465704, 2010
Local Excitation of Ferromagnetic Resonance and Its Spatially Resolved Detection With an Open-Ended Radio-Frequency Probe
Toshu An, Nobuhito Ohnishi, Toyoaki Eguchi, Yukio Hasegawa, Pavel Kabos
IEEE MAGNETICS LETTERS, 1, 3500104-1-3500104-3-, 2010
Observation of the screened potential and the Friedel oscillation by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy
Masanori Ono, Takahiro Nishio, Toshu An, Toyoaki Eguchi, Yukio Hasegawa
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 256, 2, 469-474, 2009
安東秀, 西尾隆宏, 江口豊明, 長谷川幸雄, 秋山琴音, 野村惇士
超音波テクノ, 21, 7・8月号, 60-64, 2009
超音波デバイス 長辺振動水晶振動子の周波数変調原子間力顕微鏡への応用--原子分解能力センサ
安 東秀, 西尾 隆宏, 江口 豊明
超音波techno, 21, 7・8月号, 60-64, 2009
Superconducting Pb Island Nanostructures Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Nishio, Takahiro, An, Toshu, Nomura, Atsushi, Miyachi, Kousuke, Eguchi, Toyoaki, Sakata, Hideaki, Lin, Shizeng, Hayashi, Nobuhiko, Nakai, Noriyuki, Machida, Masahiko, Hasegawa, Yukio
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 101, 16, 167001-167001, 2008
Atomically resolved imaging by low-temperature frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy using a quartz length-extension resonator
Toshu An, Takahiro Nishio, Toyoaki Eguchi, Masanori Ono, Atsushi Nomura, Kotone Akiyama, Yukio Hasegawa
西尾隆宏, 安東秀, 江口豊明, 長谷川幸雄
固体物理, 43, 67-75, 2008
西尾隆宏, 安東秀, 江口豊明, 長谷川幸雄
固体物理, 43, 67-75, 2008
安東秀, 江口豊明, 長谷川幸雄
精密工学会誌, 74, 7, 687-690, 2008
安東秀, 江口豊明, 長谷川幸雄
精密工学会誌, 74, 687-690, 2008
Adsorbate-induced alloy phase separation: A direct view by high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy
EK Vestergaard, RT Vang, J Knudsen, TM Pedersen, T An, E Laegsgaard, Stensgaard, I, B Hammer, F Besenbacher
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 95, 12, 126101-126101, 2005
Fabrication of a glass-coated metal tip for synchrotron-radiation-light- irradiated scanning tunneling microscopy
Kotone Akiyama, T. Eguchi, T. An, Y. Hasegawa, T. Okuda, A. Harasawa, T. Kinoshita
Review of Scientific Instruments, 76, 8, 1-3, 2005
Rearrangement of up-and-down terrace in Si(110) "16x2" induced by Sn adsorption
T An, M Yoshimura, K Ueda
SURFACE SCIENCE, 576, 1-3, 165-174, 2005
Development of a metal-tip cantilever for noncontact atomic force microscopy
Akiyama, K Eguchi, T An, T Fujikawa, Y Yamada-Takamura, Y Sakurai, T, Hasegawa, Y
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76, 3, 033705-033705-, 2005
Atomically-resolved imaging by frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy using a quartz length-extension resonator
An, TS Eguchi, T Akiyama, K, Hasegawa, Y
Appl. Phys. Lett., 87, 13, 133114-133114, 2005
Fabrication of a glass-coated metal tip for synchrotron-radiation-light-irradiated scanning tunneling microscopy
Akiyama, K Eguchi, T An, T Hasegawa, Y Okuda, T Harasawa, A Kinoshita, T
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76, 8, 083711-083711-, 2005
Development of a metal-tip cantilever for noncontact atomic force microscopy
Akiyama, K Eguchi, T An, T Fujikawa, Y Yamada-Takamura, Y Sakurai, T, Hasegawa, Y
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76, 3, 033705-033705-, 2005
Atomically-resolved imaging by frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy using a quartz length-extension resonator
An, TS Eguchi, T Akiyama, K, Hasegawa, Y
Appl. Phys. Lett., 87, 13, 133114-133114, 2005
Imaging of all dangling bonds and their potential on the Ge/Si(105) surface by noncontact atomic force microscopy
T. Eguchi, Y. Fujikawa, K. Akiyama, T. An, M. Ono, T. Hashimoto, Y. Morikawa, K. Terakura, T. Sakurai, M. G. Lagally, Y. Hasegawa
Physical Review Letters, 93, 26 I, 266102-266102, 2004
Imaging of all dangling bonds and their potential on the Ge/Si(105) surface by noncontact atomic force microscopy
T Eguchi, Y Fujikawa, K Akiyama, T An, M Ono, T Hashimoto, Y Morikawa, K Terakura, T Sakurai, MG Lagally, Y Hasegawa
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 93, 26, 266102-266102, 2004
Step-debunching in Sn/Si(001) surfaces
M Yoshimura, H Shibata, T An, K Ueda
THIN SOLID FILMS, 464, 28-30, 2004
CO-induced restructuring of Pt(110)-(1x2): Bridging the pressure gap with high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy
P Thostrup, EK Vestergaard, T An, E Laegsgaard, F Besenbacher
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 118, 8, 3724-3730, 2003
Comment on "High pressure adsorbate structures studied by scanning tunneling microscopy: CO on Pt(111) in equilibrium with the gas phase"
EK Vestergaard, P Thostrup, T An, E Laegsgaard, Stensgaard, I, B Hammer, F Besenbacher
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 88, 25, 259601-259601, 2002
Atomic structure and growth of the Cu/Si(111)-"5x5" phase
T Kawasaki, T An, H Ito, T Ichinokawa
SURFACE SCIENCE, 487, 1-3, 39-48, 2001
Observation of Si(110) surfaces by high-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy
M Yoshimura, T An, K Ueda
Surface structure of Si(110) "7 x 2"-Sn observed by scanning tunneling microscopy
T An, M Yoshimura, K Ueda
Elemental structure in Si(110)-"16x2" revealed by scanning tunneling microscopy
An, T Yoshimura, M Ono, I Ueda, K
Phys. Rev. B, 61, 4, 3006-3011, 2000
Observation of Si(110) Surfaces by High-Ternperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.
Yoshimura Masamichi, An Toshu, Ueda Kazuyuki
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 39, 7B, 4432-4434, 2000
Elemental structure in Si(110)-"16x2" revealed by scanning tunneling microscopy
An, T Yoshimura, M Ono, I Ueda, K
Phys. Rev. B, 61, 4, 3006-3011, 2000
Atomic structure and growth of the Cu/Si(111) '' 5x5 '' phase
T Kawasaki, T An, H Ito, T Ichinokawa
MICROBEAM ANALYSIS 2000, PROCEEDINGS, 165, 385-386, 2000
Nickel-induced surface reconstructions on Si(110) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
M Yoshimura, T An, Ono, I, K Ueda
SURFACE SCIENCE, 433, 470-474, 1999
Scanning tunneling microscopy on Sn/Si(110) system
T An, M Yoshimura, K Ueda
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 130, 118-122, 1998
31p-YF-13 Si(110)清浄表面 : "16構造"の原子配列のSTM観察
安 東秀, 吉村 雅満, 上田 一之
日本物理学会講演概要集, 53, 1, 320-320, 1998