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筒井 秀和 (TSUTSUI, Hidekazu)准教授
融合科学, マテリアルサイエンス, バイオ機能医工学研究領域


Measurement of membrane potential change in phagosome of phagocytes
第95回 日本生理学大会, 香川, 2018
Artificial photoconvertible proteins: engineering, mechanism and in vivo crystallization
ivMX 2018,, Synchrotron SOLEIL, FRANCE, 2018
Identification of Ca2-pearmeable voltage srnsor domain and its possible application to a novel optogenetic tool
光操作研究会, 東北大学, 2017
Multisensory integration via optical slow wave in excitatory neuronal networks of association cortex
第40回神経科学会会, 幕張メッセ, 2017
Functional analysis of the calcium-permeable voltage sensor domain
第94回日本生理学会大会, アクトシティ浜松, 2017
cellular voltage and crystals visualized with fluorescence protein
3rd Malaysia-Japan Joint Symposium on Nanobiosensors 2016, Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectroics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2016
Fluorescence protein crystallization in live cells
第4回RAPシンポジウム, 理化学研究所 鈴木梅太郎ホール, 2016
Cellular voltage and crystals visualized with fluorescence protein
CFC seminar, Center for Functional Connectomics, KIST, Korea, KIST, Korea, 2016
catsper の電位センサードメインはカルシウムイオン透過性を持つ
第3回ホヤ研究会, 大阪大学豊中キャンパスシグマホール, 2016
Spikes and crystals in live cells.
International Symposium on Bioscience and Biotechnology in JAIST, Ishikawa, Japan, 2016
第89回日本生化学会大会,仙台2016年9月25-27, 2016
Voltage sensor domain motions detected with ANAP, an unnatural amino acid based fluorescence reporter
第93回日本生理学会大会,札幌、2016年3月, 2016
Visualizing Cellular Electrical Activities
DU-JAIST India-Japan Symposium on Chemistry of Functional Molecular Materials,, 26-27 Feb. 2016, New Delhi, India, 2016
CatSper has a calcium-permeable voltage sensor domain
5th Spanish Ion Channel Network Meeting, Barcelona, Spain、October 2015, 2016
FRET sensing of transmembrane voltage
生物物理学会 シンポジウム, 2013