Ph.D. from Kyoto University(2007) 京都大学
2017 - : Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , School of Knowledge Science , Associate Professor
2016 - 2017 : Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , School of Knowledge Science , Assistant Professor
2010 - 2016 : Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , School of Knowledge Science , Assistant Professor
2008 - 2010 : Indiana University , Department of Psychology and Brain Sciences , Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Soft computing, Perceptual information processing, Intelligent informatics, Cognitive sciences, Physical and health education
Category theory, Understanding, 認知発達, 記号力学系, 注視, 時系列解析, コミュニケーション, 注視行動, 意味認知, 行動計測, データマイニング, 非線形力学系
Computational modeling of children's novel word learning.
Statistical distribution of age of acquisition of words
What determines vocabulary growth patterns? The research presented here examines the growth pattern of words listed in the McArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory using a computational model. Our model characterizes vocabulary growth curves based on the sampling of learning relevant events and a threshold (the number of such events needed) for acquisition of the word. Using this general class of models, fits of vocabulary growth curves suggests a transition from one in which acquisition is primarily limited by the threshold for acquisition to one in which acquisition is primarily limited by sampling speed. Further analyses suggest that these parameters of the learning model link to meaningful psychological factors: specifically the acquisition of threshold limited (and earlier learned) words are correlated with frequency whereas sampling-speed-limited words are correlated with imageability of the word in the input.
Analysis of nonlinear dynamics in multisensory time series of two-agent communication
「『認知科学』創刊30周年記念特集」編集にあたって 創刊, 周年記念特集実行委員会, 日髙 昇平, 坊農 真弓, 布山 美慕, 服部 雅史, 清河 幸子, 小林 春美, 織田 涼, 平 知宏, 高橋 康介, 寺田 和憲
認知科学, 30, 1, 5-7, 2023
The Body and Children’s Word Learning., In Plumert, J. M., Spencer, J. P. (ed.) The Emerging Spatial Mind.
168–192., Oxford University Press., 2007
Embedding parallelepiped in co-occurrence matrix: simulation and empirical evidence.
Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE2022), 2022
Make visual illusions and play with it! Learning brain's mystery.
サイエンスヒルズ小松 JAISTサイエンス&テクノロジー教室, 2022
Parallelogram structure of analogy in word co-occurrence matrix.
The contingency symmetry bias as a foundation of word learning: Evidence from 8-mont-olds on a matching-to-sample task.
The 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2022
Identifying a Phonetic Factors of Onomatopoeias Correlated to Sound Symbolic Commons between Japanese and Non-Japanese Speakers.
The 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2022
Next-Generation Knowledge Science, Cognitive Science(E), Introduction to Cognitive Science, 次世代知識科学特論, 認知科学(E), 認知科学概論, 認知科学入門
日本知能情報ファジィ学会, 電気通信情報学会, Association for Computing Machinery, Cognitive Science Society, Japanese Cognitive Science Sociery
International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL2010) , General Chairs:Benjamin Kuipers, Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Thomas Shultz, Professor, McGill University , 2010 - 2010 , Place: University of Michigan, MI USA URL: My role in this conference is a program committee.
常任運営委員会 , 日本認知科学会
運営委員 , 日本認知科学会
・ 日本認知科学会 , 「認知科学」編集委員会 副編集委員長 , 2020- 2022
・ 石川県PTA連合会 , 石川県PTA副会長 , 2020- 2021
・ 野々市市立布水中学校PTA , 会長 , 2021- 2023
・ 石川県PTA連合会副会長 2020 - 2021
・ 少年の主張石川県大会審査委員 , 石川県健民運動推進本部 , 少年の主張石川県大会 2020 - 2020
・ 石川県PTA連合会三行詩コンクール審査委員長 , 石川県PTA連合会 , 石川県PTA連合会三行詩コンクール 2020 - 2020
・ Comittee Award , Hiroaki Maeda, Takuma Torii, Shohei Hidaka , 言語処理学会 , 2023
・ Best paper award , Shohei Hidaka, Kohske Takahashi , Japanese Cognitive Science Society , 2022
・ 奨励論文賞 , Miho Fuyama, Shohei Hidaka , Japanese Cognitive Science Society , 2019