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Materials Science, Nanomaterials and Devices, Center for Nano Materials and Technology

Academic Contribution

12 items
The 49th Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials , Program Committee, Chair of Area 6 - 2017 , Sendai
The 48th Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials , Program Committee, Chair of Area 6 - 2016 , Tsukuba
The 47th Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials , Program Committee, Vice Chair of Area 6 - 2015 , Sapporo
2015 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD2015) , Program Committee, Co-Chair - 2015 , Jeju
The 46th Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials , Program Committee, Vice Chair of Area 6 , 2014 , Tsukuba
The 45th Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials , Program Committee , 2013 , Fukuoka
The 10th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM2013) , Program Committee , 2013 , Hakodate
The 17th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy , Program Committee , 2012 , Nara
The 44th Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials , Program Committee , 2012 , Kyoto
The 43rd Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials , Program Committee , 2011 , Nagoya
The 37th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2010) , Program Committee , 2010 , Takamatsu
電子デバイス技術委員会 副委員長 , 電気学会