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MIYATA, Kazunori Professor
Knowledge Science, Creative Society Design, Research Center for Vision Oriented Society Design


174 items
The Influence of human texture recognition and the spatial frequency of textures
HAYASHI Hiroki, URA Masahiro, MIYATA Kazunori
ITE Technical Report, 40, 0, 13-16, 2016
Projection Mapping For Children Using a Three-Dimensional Card and Smartphone
TSUKADAIRA Sayaka, URA Masahiro, MIYATA Kazunori
ITE Technical Report, 40, 0, 307-310, 2016
Evaluation of Consumers' Impressions for Chocolate Shapes
Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, 15, 1, 213-223, 2016
Proposal of a font search method using a letter deformation
ITE Technical Report, 39, 14, 39-42, 2015
Purposes of New Edition of "Computer Graphics" Book
藤代 一成, 斎藤 隆文, 乃万 司, 高橋 成雄, 馬場 雅志, 宮田 一乘
IPSJ SIG Notes, 2015, 6, 1-4, 2015
Evaluation of Consumers' Impressions for Chocolate Shapes
Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, 0, 0, -, 2015
Evaluation of Human Impressions regarding Sizzle Words for Rice Crackers:-A Focus on Onomatopoeias-
Ishibashi Ken, Fukataki So, Miyata Kazunori
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 30, 1, 229-236, 2015
The 2013 IPSJ Best Paper Award:A Study of Procedural Modeling for Graphic Designers
櫻井 快勢, 宮田 一乘
情報処理, 55, 8, 855-855, 2014
Modeling Trees Using Surface Growth Simulation
溝口 敦士, 宮田 一乘
芸術科学会論文誌, 13, 1, 45-58, 2014
TSUMIKI CASTLE : Interactive VR System using Toy Blocks
Tessier Matthieu
芸術科学会論文誌, 13, 1, 67-75, 2014
A Method of Thermal Deforming Simulation for Plastic Film
Takahiro Okunari, Kazunori Miyata
IPSJ SIG Notes, 2014, 19, 1-8, 2014
Interactive Grid Layout Generation System
Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, 13, 1, 7-16, 2014
IEC-based color scheme support system using the statistics of color scheme
ITE Technical Report, 37, 55, 21-24, 2013
Development of a Design Support System Utilizing Material Representation Method of Traditional Craftworks
MIYATA Kazunori, KAJII Noritaka, YOKUBO Yuko, KATO Naotaka
The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edition), 96, 10, 2351-2358, 2013
An interactive VR system using toy blocks and its evaluation
永井 淳之介, 沼野 剛志, 東 孝文, Matthieu Tessier, 宮田 一乘
エンタテインメントコンピューティングシンポジウム2013論文集, 2013, 97-102, 2013
A Content Creation Support System for Missile Animation with Complex Motion
櫻岡 卓哉, 宮田 一乘
研究会講演予稿, 265, 135-138, 2013
A Procedure of Pile Modeling
櫻井 快勢, 宮田 一乘
情報処理学会論文誌, 54, 3, 1220-1229, 2013
A Method of Representing Stockings
坂口 寛典, 宮田 一乘
研究報告グラフィクスとCAD(CG), 2013, 5, 1-6, 2013
Development of the Picture Drawing Training "Drawing Idea-Marathon" for Kindergarten Children and the Study for the Creativity Effects
樋口 健夫, 由井薗 隆也, 宮田 一乘
日本創造学会論文誌, 17, 43-56, 2013
Proposal of Font Search Method based on Visual Similarity
Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, 12, 1, 77-85, 2013
A drawing support system for facial sketches
EBISU Naoya, Miyata Kazunori
ITE Technical Report, 37, 0, 27-30, 2013
A Content Creation Support System for Missile Animation with Complex Motion
ITE Technical Report, 37, 0, 139-142, 2013
スパイダーヒーロー : 張力提示に着目した移動型エンタテインメントVR
石橋 賢, 宮田 一乘, Da Luz Toni
画像ラボ, 23, 7, 22-28, 2012
Representation of An Aggregate Composed of Staple fibers
櫻井 快勢, 宮田 一乘
研究報告グラフィクスとCAD(CG), 2012, 7, 1-6, 2012
Proposing an Expressing Technique for Fruit Fur
高見澤 大輔, 宮田 一乘
研究会講演予稿, 261, 41-44, 2012
Relative positioning system for pedestrian using smart-phone sensor and Bluetooth
木下 剛志, 宮田 一乘
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報, 111, 477, 199-206, 2012
Ishibashi Ken, Miyata Kazunori
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2012, 1, 117-117, 2012
Relative positioning system for pedestrian using smart-phone sensor and Bluetooth
木下 剛志, 宮田 一乘
研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI), 2012, 35, 1-8, 2012
Relative positioning system for pedestrian using smart-phone sensor and Bluetooth
木下 剛志, 宮田 一乘
研究報告モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信(MBL), 2012, 35, 1-8, 2012
Relative positioning system for pedestrian using smart-phone sensor and Bluetooth
KINOSHITA Tsuyoshi, MIYATA Kazunori
IEICE technical report, 111, 476, 181-188, 2012
A study of a suitable font for onomatopoeia analyzing from visual feature
石橋 賢, 宮田 一乘
人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 26, 1-4, 2012
Analysis of Creativity Development by TTCT Creativity Test for Idea-Marathon System Training
樋口 健夫, 由井薗 隆也, 宮田 一乘
日本創造学会論文誌, 16, 190-203, 2012
Proposing an Expressing Technique for Fruit Fur
Takamizawa Daisuke, Miyata Kazunori
ITE Technical Report, 36, 0, 41-44, 2012
Proposing an Expressing Technique for Fruit Fur
Takamizawa Daisuke, Miyata Kazunori
ITE Technical Report, 36, 0, 41-44, 2012
Spider hero: Entertainment VR with pulling force
Ken Ishibashi, Toni Da Luz, Remy Eynard, Naoki Kita, Nan Jiang, Hiroshi Segi, Keisuke Terada, Kyohei Fujita, Kazunori Miyata
Kyokai Joho Imeji Zasshi/Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 66, 1, J11-J16, 2012
A Procedure of Pile Modeling
櫻井 快勢, 宮田 一乘
研究報告コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア(CVIM), 2011, 14, 1-7, 2011
A Procedure of Pile Modeling
櫻井 快勢, 宮田 一乘
研究報告グラフィクスとCAD(CG), 2011, 14, 1-7, 2011
A Procedural Modeling of Various-Sized Rocks on the Ground
櫻井 快勢, 宮田 一乘
芸術科学会論文誌, 10, 3, 98-106, 2011
An educational framework for knowledge creation and creating VR application through groupwork
宮田 一乗, 梅本 勝博, 石橋 賢
情報処理学会研究報告, 2010, 6, 1-6, 2011
n educational framework for knowledge creation and creating VR application through groupwork
宮田 一乘, 梅本 勝博, 石橋 賢, 樋口 健夫
研究報告 グラフィクスとCAD(CG), 2011, 6, 1-6, 2011
An Emotion Input Method Using Onomatopoeia and its Application for Image Query
石橋 賢, 宮田 一乘
人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 25, 1-4, 2011
Painting-like Image Generation with KANSEI Information
ITE Technical Report, 35, 0, 53-56, 2011
Educational Contents Using Interactive 3DCG System : Mainly the Platonic Solids of Mathematics
ITE Technical Report, 35, 0, 9-12, 2011
Proposal of Font Selection Method using Interactive Genetic Algorithm and Similarity Search
ITE Technical Report, 35, 0, 33-36, 2011
Painterly Image Generation using KANSEI Words
ITE technical report, 34, 44, 1-4, 2010
Procedural Technique and Design
宮田 一乘
デザイン学研究. 特集号, 17, 67, 22-29, 2010
An improved method of relief indication with anisotropic reflection by using 3D features
KIMURA Eriko, KAWAI Naoki, MIYATA Kazunori
研究報告グラフィクスとCAD(CG), 140, 5, E1-E6, 2010
J-030 Feasibility Study on Embedding Emotions in Images by Color Effects
Ishibashi Ken, Miyata Kazunori
情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 9, 3, 529-530, 2010
Report of Visual Computing Workshop 2009
宮田 一乘
画像電子学会誌, 39, 1, 86-86, 2010
An Effective Bump Rendering Method Considering Level-of-Detail
TSUTSUMI Takahiro, MIYATA Kazunori
Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 9, 0, 119-124, 2010
Procedural Technique and Design(Simulation and Prototype)
MIYATA Kazunori
Special issue of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, 17, 3, 22-29, 2010
渡邊 淳司, 藤田 欣也, 加藤 博一, ピトヨ ハルトノ, 苗村 健, 昆陽 雅司, 小林 稔, 酒井 幸仁, 筧 康明, 梶本 裕之, 北崎 充晃, 宮崎 慎也, 唐山 英明, 池井 寧, 柳田 康幸, 森島 繁生, 広田 光一, 前田 太郎, 中口 俊哉, 長谷川 晶一, 小木 哲朗, 井原 雅行, 妹尾 武治, 稲見 昌彦, 清川 清, 橋本 直己, 安藤 英由樹, 宮田 一乘, 吉田 俊介, 大田 友一, 原田 哲也, 寺林 賢司, 北島 律之, 松本 光春, 綿貫 啓一, 青木 義満
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌 = Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 14, 4, 213-223, 2009
Human Interface Symposium 2009
椎尾 一郎, 竹内 勇剛, 鱗原 晴彦, 井野 秀一, 綿貫 啓子, 竹内 勇剛, 西山 敏樹, 小林 茂, 吉池 佑太, 藤田 欣也, 森 麻紀, 杉原 太郎, 橋爪 絢子, 亀山 研一, 岸野 文郎, 福本 雅朗, 加藤 博一, 北村 喜文, 渡辺 富夫, 間瀬 健二, 葛岡 英明, 浅野 陽子, 伊藤 潤, 宮田 一乘, 水口 充, 中川 正樹, 竹田 仰, 美馬 義亮, 郷 健太郎, 辻野 嘉宏, 大久保 雅史, 井野 秀一, 岡本 明, 堀内 靖雄, 塩瀬 隆之, 土井 美和子, 竹林 洋一, 藤田 欣也, 下田 宏, 岡田 美智男, 小嶋 弘行, 清川 清, 森川 治, 小谷 賢太郎, 大須賀 美恵子, 和氣 早苗, 大倉 典子, 仲谷 善雄, 志堂寺 和則, 福住 伸一, 高橋 信, 辛島 光彦, 角 康之, 雨宮 智浩
Human interface, 11, 4, 265-277, 2009
Characterization and Reconstruction Method for Pore Pattern on Leather Texture
松藤 和夫, 櫻井 快勢, 宮田 一乘, 河合 直樹
情報処理学会論文誌, 50, 8, 1905-1916, 2009
Characterization and Reconstruction Method for Pore Pattern on Leather Texture
松藤 和夫, 櫻井 快勢, 宮田 一乘
情報処理学会論文誌 論文誌ジャーナル, 50, 8, 1905-1916, 2009
CREP Discussion : Design Re-Use Technologies for Content Production and the Evaluative Studies
KATAYOSE Haruhiro, HIRATA Keiji, MIYATA Kazunori, HARADA Toshinobu, NISHIDA Toyoaki, SUWA Masaki, ABE Akinori
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 24, 3, 434-444, 2009
A System Realizing Interaction with Face-looked Things, "KAOSAGASHI"
Matsumoto Yoko, Tsutsumi Takahiro, Terazawa Reo, Miyata Naoki, Yabu Shinichiro, Miyata Kazunori
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, 8, 2, 66-73, 2009
Landscape Bartender: Landscape Generation Using a Cocktail Analogy
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, 8, 2, 81-89, 2009
Games & entertainment technology (2), video game and procedural technique
Kazunori Miyata
Kyokai Joho Imeji Zasshi/Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 63, 8, 1107-1112, 2009
An Education Method for VR Contents Creation by Group Work
MIYATA Kazunori, UMEMOTO Katsuhiro
IPSJ SIG Notes, 2009, 12, 119-124, 2009
SIGGRAPH 2008展示報告
松尾 佳菜子, 野田 貴彦, 野村 健太郎, 小室 直之, 楊 深, 鄭 韜, 宮田 一乘
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌 = Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 13, 4, 239-240, 2008
Interactive Fountain
柿原 利政, 溝口 敦士, 櫻井 快勢, 瀬井 大志, 谷本 隼飛, 宮田 一乘
芸術科学会論文誌, 7, 2, 34-42, 2008
A fusion of digital media and sensing technology
MIYATA Kazunori
ITE technical report, 32, 26, 17-24, 2008
A Visual Simulation for Japanese Lacquerware
MIYATA Kazunori, SAKURAI Kaisei, TOMOI Toshihiro, TASHIMO Hiroshi, IMAO Koji, SAKAGUCHI Yoshiyuki
Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 7, 0, 165-170, 2008
Interactive Fountain
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, 7, 2, 34-42, 2008
A Characterization Method for Leather Textures Consisted of Pores
情報処理学会研究報告. CG,グラフィクスとCAD研究会報告, 129, 103-108, 2007
A characterization method for leather textures consisted of pores
Matsufuji Kazuo, Kawai Naoki, Sakurai Kaisei, Miyata Kazunori
IPSJ SIG Notes, 2007, 111, 103-108, 2007
Generation of Leather pattern with pores
IPSJ SIG Notes, 129, 111, 109-114, 2007
Photo-retouch system that is analogous to exposing a photographic paper
Yukihiko Kawarazuka, Kazunori Miyata
Kyokai Joho Imeji Zasshi/Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 61, 10, 1477-1480, 2007
A study of information presentation system using handbill metaphor based on contents importance
MASUDA Yoshihiro, MIYATA Kazunori
IPSJ SIG Notes, 2007, 34, 61-68, 2007
A study of information presentation system using handbill metaphor based on contents importance
MASUDA Yoshihiro, MIYATA Kazunori
IPSJ SIG Notes, 86, 34, 61-68, 2007
Quad-tree expression of bounding volume hierarchies for ray tracing
木村 秀敬, 宮田 一乘
研究会講演予稿, 232, 19-22, 2007
Quad-tree expression of bounding volume hierarchies for ray tracing
木村 秀敬, 宮田 一乘
ITE technical report, 31, 20, 19-22, 2007
A visual simulation method for gold leaf using BRDF and height map data
MIYATA Kazunori, MITSUTAKE Masaoki, TOMOI Toshihiro, TASHIMO Hiroshi, IMAO Koji, SAKAGUCHI Yoshiyuki
Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 6, 0, 55-60, 2007
Quad-tree Expression of Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Ray Tracing
KIMURA Hidetaka, MIYATA Kazunori
Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 6, 0, 19-22, 2007
Study on an Application of Generates “ Promotion Movie ” Based on Running Data of Vehicle
KAKIUCHI Yoshifumi, TAKEI Satoru, DU Xiaodong, MIYATA Kazunori
Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 6, 0, 27-30, 2007
Research trend and future vision in the advanced application of GPU
SHINJO Sadaaki, TAKAHASHI Masafumi, KIMURA Hidetaka, SHIRAI Akihiko, MIYATA Kazunori
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, 6, 3, 167-178, 2007
河原塚有希彦, 宮田一乘
映像情報メディア学会誌 : 映像情報メディア, 61, 10, 1477-1480, 2007
A Method of Leather Texture Generation using Particle and Blobby Model
MIYATA Kazunori, SAKAGUCHI Yoshiyuki, IMAO Koji, SUZAKI Ryotaro
IPSJ SIG Notes, 125, 119, 13-18, 2006
Generating a leather texture by a mass-spring model
SAKURAI Kaisei, MIYATA Kazunori, SAKAGUCHI Yoshiyuki
IPSJ SIG Notes, 125, 119, 19-24, 2006
Toward Contribution of Contents Design Support Technology to Public : Based on Discussion at Near Future Challenge Session
HIRATA Keiji, KATAYOSE Haruhiro, KASAO Atsushi, MIYATA Kazunori, HARADA Toshinobu
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 21, 215-218, 2006
Toward Contribution of Contents Design Support Technology to Public : Based on Discussion at Near Future Challenge Session
HIRATA Keiji, KATAYOSE Haruhiro, KASAO Atsushi, MIYATA Kazunori, HARADA Toshinobu
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 21, 215-218, 2006
Character Animation using Finger Recognition : Virtual Hand Puppet "Tomte"
YABU Hiroshi, MIYATA Kazuhiro
ITE technical report, 30, 24, 17-20, 2006
Toward Contribution of Contents Design Support Technology to Public Based on Discussion at Near Future Challenge Session
平田 圭二, 片寄 晴弘, 笠尾 敦司, 宮田 一乗, 原田 利宣
人工知能学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 21, 2, 244-244, 2006
Character Animation using Finger Recognition
YABU Hiroshi, MIYATA Kazuhiro
Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 5, 0, 17-20, 2006
鎌田 洋輔, 宮田 一乘
人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 6, 0, 47-47, 2006
A VR application for pitching
Iyoda Akihiko, Kimura Hidetaka, Takei Satoru, Kakiuchi Yoshifumi, Du Xiaodong, Fujii Sotaro, Masuda Yoshihiro, Masuno Daisuke, Miyata Kazunori
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, 5, 2, 33-44, 2006
207 A design support system for Kaga-Yuzen pattern by means of L-system
Kamada Yousuke, Miyata Kazunori, Nagai Yukari
Designシンポジウム講演論文集, 2006, 137-140, 2006
Toward Computer-supported Design for Non-verbal Media
KATAYOSE Haruhiro, HIRATA Keiji, NOIKE Kenzi, HARADA Toshinobu, KASAO Atsushi, MIYATA Kazunori, HIRAGA Rumi
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 20, 129-138, 2005
Toward Computer-supported Design for Non-verbal Media
KATAYOSE Haruhiro, HIRATA Keiji, NOIKE Kenzi, HARADA Toshinobu, KASAO Atsushi, MIYATA Kazunori, HIRAGA Rumi
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 20, 129-138, 2005
EasyGPU : Development of experimental environment for computer vision by means of programmable GPU
Takahashi Masafumi, Miyata Kazunori, Shirai Akihiko
IPSJ SIG Notes, 2005, 85, 19-24, 2005
An implementation of virtual reality application using displacement data : Virtual Paper-Sumo "TonTon"
薮 博史, 鎌田 洋輔, 高橋 誠史, 河原塚 有希彦, 宮田 一乘
芸術科学会論文誌, 4, 2, 36-46, 2005
State of the arts and future of GPU computing
宮田 一乘, 高橋 誠史, 黒田 篤
芸術科学会論文誌, 4, 1, 13-19, 2005
An interactive painting system using physical based pigment mixture model
ITE technical report, 29, 25, 9-12, 2005
Simulating and Rendering of Degraded Fabric Colors
JANAKA RAJAPAKSE, Rajapakse Pathirage Chaminda, MIYATA Kazunori
映像情報メディア学会技術報告, 29, 25, 13-16, 2005
Simulating and Rendering of Degraded Fabric Colors (映像表現フォーラム 映像表現に関する特別講演と学生作品・研究発表会)
Rajapakse Rajapakse Pathirage Chaminda Janaka, 宮田 一乘
映像情報メディア学会技術報告, 29, 25, 13-16, 2005
An interactive painting system using physical based Pigment mixture model
Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 4, 0, 9-12, 2005
Simulating and Rendering of Degraded Fabric Colors
Janaka Rajapakse, Rajapakse Pathirage Chaminda, MIYATA Kazunori
Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 4, 0, 13-16, 2005
笠尾 敦司, 宮田 一乘
人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 5, 0, 122-122, 2005
宮田 一乘, ペ ジンソク, 笠尾 敦司
人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 5, 0, 123-123, 2005
An Implementation of Virtual Reality Application using Displacement Data - Virtual Paper-Sumo "TonTon"
Yabu Hiroshi, Kamada Yousuke, Takahashi Masafumi, Kawarazuka Yukihiko, Kikuchi Tsukasa
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, 4, 2, 36-46, 2005
State of the arts and future of GPU computing
Kikuchi Tsukasa, Takahashi Masafumi, Kuroda Atsushi
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, 4, 1, 13-19, 2005
UoQA : A VR application by means of gesture recognition and simple motion base
高橋 誠史, 河原塚 有希彦, 桑村 宏幸, 宮田 一乘
芸術科学会論文誌, 3, 3, 200-204, 2004
ViewFrame2 : An Interactive Image viewer "ViewFrame" by means of face detection without marker
河原塚 有希彦, 高橋 誠史, 宮田 一乘
芸術科学会論文誌, 3, 3, 189-192, 2004
Modeling of pigment mixing based on actual measurement
ITE technical report, 28, 19, 5-8, 2004
Modeling of pigment mixing based on actual measurement
Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 3, 0, 5-8, 2004
片寄 晴弘, 平田 圭二, 原田 利宣, 平賀 瑠美, 笠尾 敦司, 宮田 一乘
人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 4, 0, 45-45, 2004
笠尾 敦司, 宮田 一乘
人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 4, 0, 52-52, 2004
宮田 一乘, 笠尾 敦司
人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 4, 0, 53-53, 2004
ViewFrame2 An Interactive Image viewer "ViewFrame" by means of face detection without marker:An Interactive Image viewer "ViewFrame" by means of face detection without marker
KAWARAZUKA Yukihiko, TAKAHASHI Masafumi, MIYATA Kazunori
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, 3, 3, 189-192, 2004
UoQA VR application by means of gesture recognition and simple motion base:VR application by means of gesture recognition and simple motion base
TAKAHASHI Masafumi, KAWARAZUKA Yukihiko, KUWAMURA Hiroyuki, MIYATA Kazunori
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, 3, 3, 200-204, 2004
NPR Expression System for Creation of Database in relation to Graphic Design Knowledge
笠尾 敦司, 宮田 一乘
人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 18, 1-3, 2004
高橋 誠史, 河原塚有希彦, 桑村 宏幸, 宮田 一乘
情報処理学会研究報告音楽情報科学(MUS), 2003, 111, 53-58, 2003
View Frame-An interactive image viewer by means of image-based position sensitive detector
KAWARAZUKA Yukihiko, TAKAHASHI Masafumi, MIYATA Kazunori
情報処理学会研究報告音楽情報科学(MUS), 106, 111, 45-51, 2003
View Frame-An interactive image viewer by means of image-based position sensitive detector
KAWARAZUKA Yukihiko, TAKAHASHI Masafumi, MIYATA Kazunori
情報処理学会研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI), 106, 111, 45-51, 2003
UoQA-A VR application by means of gesture recognition and air blowers
TAKAHASHI Masafumi, KAWARAZUKA Yukihiko, KUWAMURA Hiroyuki, MIYATA Kazunori
情報処理学会研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI), 106, 111, 53-58, 2003
DIY Video Contents (5) : Movie Made by CG
MIYATA Kazunori
The Journal of the Institute of Television Engineers of Japan, 57, 5, 580-584, 2003
The State of the Art of Rendering Method
MIYATA Kazunori
The journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 57, 4, 442-443, 2003
The applications of position information awareness server in the knowledge creation buildings : A Following type message board system (Shadow Messenger)
YAMASHITA Kunihiro, KUNIFUJI Susumu, NISHIMOTO Kazushi, ITO Takayuki, MIYATA Kazunori
IPSJ SIG Notes, 46, 1, 65-70, 2003
UoQ -ジェスチャ認識を用いた映像体験環境-
高橋 誠史, 河原塚 有希彦, 桑村 宏幸, 宮田 一乘
芸術科学会論文誌, 2, 4, 123-127, 2003
宮田 一乘, 笠尾 敦司, 蓼沼 眞
人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 3, 0, 5-5, 2003
CG as a communication tool
MIYATA Kazunori, ITOH Takayuki
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, 2, 2, 74-82, 2003
The State of the Art of CG Technology
Takahashi Hiroki, Miyata Kazunori, Masuda Hiroshi
The Journal of the Institute of Television Engineers of Japan, 57, 4, 440-445, 2003
Technologies for Digital Amusement : Hardware Technologies
MIYATA Kazunori
The Journal of the Institute of Television Engineers of Japan, 56, 6, 902-904, 2002
The Trend Toward Digital Cinema
MIYATA Kazunori
Bulletin, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics, 8, 27-32, 2002
進士 哲雄, 高倉 知之, 宮田 一乘
研究会講演予稿, 193, 71-74, 2002
佐藤 敦, 宮田 一乘, 木船 園子
研究会講演予稿, 193, 75-78, 2002
林 大悟, 高倉 知之, 宮田 一乘
研究会講演予稿, 193, 79-82, 2002
Fairy Tale〔和文〕
森 英夫, 宮田 一乘, 木船 園子
研究会講演予稿, 193, 83-86, 2002
内村 弘毅, 宮田 一乘, 木船 園子
研究会講演予稿, 193, 87-90, 2002
In the stellar town
Shinshi Tetsuo, Takakura Tomoyuki, Miyata Kazunori, Kifune Sonoko, Kato Tomohiko, Murayama Noboru
ITE Technical Report, 26, 0, 71-74, 2002
Natsu-kodachi : A grove in summer
Satoh Atsushi, Miyata Kazunori, Kifune Sonoko, Katoh Tomohiko, Murayama Noboru
ITE Technical Report, 26, 0, 75-78, 2002
Hayashi Daigo, Takakura Tomoyuki, Miyata Kazunori, Kifune Sonoko, Kato Tomohiko, Murayama Noboru
ITE Technical Report, 26, 0, 79-82, 2002
Fairy Tale
Mori Hideo, Miyata Kazunori, Kifune Sonoko, Katoh Tomohiko, Murayama Noboru
ITE Technical Report, 26, 0, 83-86, 2002
Uchimura Kohki, Miyata Kazunori, Kifune Sonoko, Katoh Tomohiko, Murayama Noboru
ITE Technical Report, 26, 0, 87-90, 2002
MIYATA Kazunori, NAKAJIMA Masayuki
The journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 55, 11, 1426-1427, 2001
Generating Pavement Textures via Close Packing of Squares
MIYATA Kazunori, ITOH Takayuki, SHIMADA Kenji
Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, 42, 11, 2743-2751, 2001
Recent Trends in PC Graphics Board
MIYATA Kazunori
The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 55, 8, 1094-1099, 2001
CG Pictorial Representation: Realism,Impressionism,Abstractionism
MIYATA Kazunori, KASAO Atsushi
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 16, 4, 567-572, 2001
Past, Present, and Future of Digital Imaging
MIYATA Kazunori
Bulletin, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics, 7, 51-57, 2001
Fly High〔和文〕
加藤 麿数, 宮田 一乘, 村山 登
研究会講演予稿, 185, 61-66, 2001
宮田 一乗
ディーバ, 0, 83-91, 2001
Toriyama Chikara, Ishiwata Shigetoshi, Sanmiya Kazuaki, Miyata Kazunori, Murayama Noboru
ITE Technical Report, 25, 0, 55-60, 2001
Fly High
Katou Kiyokazu, Miyata Kazunori, Murayama Noboru
ITE Technical Report, 25, 0, 61-66, 2001
hand in hand : four seasons version : interactive installation project
Asano Kohei, Murayama Noboru, Miyata Kazunori
ITE Technical Report, 24, 0, 33-38, 2000
"Women of …"-An Installation Work using Retroreflector
HIROSAWA Minako, MIYATA Kazunori, TACHI Susumu
ITE Technical Report, 23, 0, 33-34, 1999
A Fusion of Image and Graphics
MIYATA Kazunori, KUROKAWA Masato, HIROTA Gentarou
IPSJ Magazine, 38, 3, 189-194, 1997
A prototype of self-service hairstyle simulation system
MIYATA Kazunori, KUROKAWA Masato
A Hairstyle Composition Method Using Image Warping Process
MIYATA Kazunori
The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 25, 5, 473-485, 1996
A Prototype of Hairstyle Simulation System
MIYATA Kazunori, KUROKAWA Masato
IPSJ SIG Notes, 74, 47, 47-51, 1995
Hair style simulation : Face feature detection by using color segmentation
黒川 雅人, 宮田 一乗
全国大会講演論文集, 50, 0, 377-378, 1995
Hair Style Simulation (2) : A Hair Style Fitting Method by Using Image Morphing Operation
宮田 一乗, 黒川 雅人
全国大会講演論文集, 50, 0, 379-380, 1995
A Method of Generating Textures Using Skeleton Lines
Miyata Kazunori
IPSJ SIG Notes, 93, 92, 53-60, 1993
A Texture Generating Method using Skeleton Lines
宮田 一乗
全国大会講演論文集, 45, 0, 383-384, 1992
A Method of Generating Stone Wall Patterns
MIYATA Kazunori
The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers., 75, 1, 86-95, 1992
Technologies for Generating Natural Shapes by Using Fractal Theory
Miyata Kazunori
ITEJ Technical Report, 16, 9, 1-6, 1992
"Introduction to 3 Dimensional Computer Graphics. (6). An Introduction to Fractal".:An Introduction to Fractal
Miyata Kazunori
The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 46, 6, 733-740, 1992
A Method of Generating Stone Wall Patterns
宮田 一乘
全国大会講演論文集, 39, 0, 909-910, 1989
Research Trends in Method of Generating Images of Terrains
宮田 一乗
情報処理学会研究報告グラフィクスとCAD(CG), 1989, 68, 75-80, 1989
宮田 一乗
情報処理学会研究報告グラフィクスとCAD(CG), 1989, 68, 61-68, 1989
A formula based animation system
小野 眞, 宮田 一乗
全国大会講演論文集, 38, 0, 1835-1836, 1989
Semi-Transparent Display of Equi-Valued Surfaces
小出 昭夫, 宮田 一乗
全国大会講演論文集, 37, 0, 1683-1684, 1988
A Generation Method of Cloud Images using Density Contour Lines
宮田 一乗
情報処理学会研究報告グラフィクスとCAD(CG), 1987, 70, 39-46, 1987
安居院 猛, 宮田 一乗, 中嶋 正之
電子通信学会論文誌 D, 69, 12, p1905-1912, 1986
Quasi coding method for 3D natural shapes
中嶋 正之, 宮田 一乗, 安居院 猛
情報処理学会研究報告グラフィクスとCAD(CG), 1986, 10, 1-8, 1986
A quasi-coding method for digital figures based on fractal dimensions.
Agui Takeshi, Miyata Kazunori, Nakajima Masayuki
The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 39, 10, 979-987, 1985
A Quasi-coding Method of Digital Figures Based on Fractal Dimension
NAKAJIMA Masayuki, MIYATA Kazunori, AGUI Takeshi
ITE Technical Report, 9, 3, 33-40, 1985