Exploiting Criticisms in Brainstorming: A Pilot Study
Hiroaki Ikuta, Youji Kohda, Kazushi Nishimoto
International Cnoference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems 2017, 66-71, 2017
Towards soft landing in an online dating service: bridging the ideal-real gap. Takuya Iwamoto, Kazutaka Kurihara, Maya Esora, Kazushi Nishimoto
Proceedings of the 8th Augmented Human International Conference, AH 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA, March 16-18, 2017, 37-, 2017
Towards a system that relieves psychological symptoms of dementia by music Chika Oshima, Koichi Nakayama, Naoki Itou, Kazushi Nishimoto, Kiyoshi Yasuda, Naohito Hosoi, Hiroshi Okumura, Etsuo Horikawa
International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 5, 3, 126-136, 2013
A Music Therapy System for Patients with Dementia who Repeat Stereotypical Utterances Chika Oshima, Naoki Itou, Kazushi Nishimoto, Kiyoshi Yasuda, Naohito Hosoi, Hiromi Yamashita, Koichi Nakayama, Etsuo Horikawa
Journal of Information Processing, 21, 2, 283-294, 2013
A Music Therapy System for Patients with Dementia who Repeat Stereotypical Utterances Oshima Chika, Itou Naoki, Nishimoto Kazushi, Yasuda Kiyoshi, Hosoi Naohito, Yamashita Hiromi, Nakayama Koichi, Horikawa Etsuo
IMT, 8, 2, 605-616, 2013
How should a visual design process be supported?
西本一志, 宮田一乗
AIDIA journal (Asia Interior Design Institute Association), 6, -, 2006
Traveling Café:分散型オフィス環境におけるコミュニケーション促進支援システム
中野利彦, 亀和田慧太, 杉戸準, 永岡良章, 小倉加奈代, 西本一志
インタラクション2006, -, 2006
小倉加奈代, 西本一志
社会情報学フェア2005ワークショップ「CMC及びHCIの分析メソドロジー, 28-35, 2005
小倉加奈代, 西本一志
日本認知科学会第22回大会発表論文集, 402-403, 2005
小倉加奈代, 西本一志
日本認知科学会第21回大会発表論文集, 252-253, 2004
小倉加奈代, 西本一志
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会研究報告, 98, 2, 19-22, 2004
小倉加奈代, 西本一志
第一回知識創造支援シンポジウム予稿集, 61-671, 2003
Why Always Versatile?: Dynamically Customizable Musical Instruments Facilitate Expressive Performances. Kazushi Nishimoto, Chika Oshima, Yohei Miyagawa
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME-03, Proceedings, Montréal, Canada, May 22-24, 2003, 164-169, 2003
Two-step input method for supporting construction of midi sequence data. Chika Oshima, Yohei Miyagawa, Kazushi Nishimoto, Takashi Shirosaki
Entertainment Computing: Technologies and Applications, IFIP First International Workshop on Entertainment Computing (IWEC 2002), May 14-17, 2002, Makuhari, Japan, 257-264, 2002
A musical instrument for facilitating musical expressions. Kazushi Nishimoto, Chika Oshima, Yohei Miyagawa, Takashi Shirosaki
Extended abstracts of the 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, April 20-25, 2002, 722-723, 2002
A concept to facilitate musical expression. Chika Oshima, Kazushi Nishimoto, Yohei Miyagawa, Takashi Shirosaki
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Creativity & Cognition, Loughborough, United Kingdom, October 13-16, 2002, 111-117, 2002
Immersive Walk-through Experience of Japanese Ancient Villages with the VisTA-walk System
Rieko Kadobayashi, Kazushi Nishimoto, Kenji Mase
Virtual Reality in Archaeology (BAR International Series S843), 135-142, 2000
Implementation and evaluation of the discussion support system MRV. Kunihiko Fujita, Susumu Kunifuji, Kazushi Nishimoto, Yasuyuki Sumi, Kenji Mase
Third International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, KES 1999, Adelaide, South Australia, 31 August - 1 September 1999, Proceedings, 58-61, 1999
Group Thinking Support with a Multi-Agent Architecture
Kazushi Nishimoto, Yasuyuki Sumi, Rieko Kadobayashi, Kenji Mase
The Third International Conference and Exhibition on The Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology (PAAM98), 137-154, 1998
Personalizing museum exhibition by mediating agents Rieko Kadobayashi, Kazushi Nishimoto, Yasuyuki Sumi, Kenji Mase
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 1416, 648-657, 1998
西本 一志, 角 康之, 門林 理恵子, 間瀬 健二, 中津 良平
電子情報通信学会 情報・システムソサイエティ大会併催特集シンポジウム ソフトウェアエージェントとその応用シンポジウム講演論文集, 155-163, 1997
A Supporting System for Human Creativity: Computer Aided Divergent Thinking Process by Provision of Associative Pieces of Information. Kazushi Nishimoto, Kenji Mochizuki, Tsutomu Miyasato, Fumio Kishino
Human Computer Interaction, Vienna Conference, VCHCI '93, Fin de Siècle, Vienna, Austria, September 20-22, 1993, Proceedings, 437-438, 1993